My point has been proven,...pure comedy...



  • how am I cyber bullying. Roflol...i never mentioned a name period, and if my comments made anyone in particular feel guilty thts thier concience,..and...i wasnt offended by your post either @mama_kat...i did think it went to far, my post was totaly opinionated other than the factS tht were clear and still are. There were no disagreements until your name popped up, also my post had zero cursing, ...where yours had profanity all throufh it, so again im not understanding this, felt that you were disrespected, as well as some of the people who dissagreed wityou. At the same time wrong is wrong,..REAL TALK, but like I said my point was proven, and proven by many, and thts all I got to say about tht,...I HOLLA¡
  • @kerrideeRN right..i mean isn't it the adult thing to disregard the people you don't agree with.. :-??
  • Nanny nanny boo boo I think i've made my tired of this immature crap really
  • Its called agreeing to disagree in my world
  • @mama_kat @martin @mrsdelrae so is @hupe is the only one permitted to swear, call people out of thier name, etc...#justwondering
  • Oh lord. I see another shut down on the way. This is just sad..... smh
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  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Lmao @ladeebug. Ur next on their sh!t list. I think sometimes I get ignored cuz I don't fit the status quo n agree wit everybody.
  • we aren't supposed to cuss? shit. i mean shoot. lmao.
  • @Mama_kat haven't you noticed that since this whole "moderator" stuff started things got worse not referring to u but in general it's a mess it does seem like there is favorites around here...i read ur post yesterday it got nasty! Maybe it is a good idea in using a diff username I mean people might look a u diff instead of seeing u as a bbysitter or dictator. I posted on yesterdays thread n instead of closing it @martin should read it n maybe msg individuals n try n fix the issuse. Everything ia getting out of hand. Nothing against u just a suggestion.
  • I mean it is alwsys gunna be this way on this forum, you have a group of pregnant women some whos hormones r raging and others who use tht as an excuse..
  • When I get in trouble from daddy (big man martin) the emails go to my bulk box. Even my email knows its crap.
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  • For pete's sake its just a forum!! Why is this such a serious thing!?! I really don't understand why so much energy and emotions are put in to peoples threads. Read or don't. Agree or disagree. Comment or ignore it. But don't take everything to heart. We all know nothing about each other and well probably never know each other outside of pregly, so why get so worked up? Chill pills for everyone!!
  • im sure we will be banned
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  • Damn maybe i should start a controversial convo to get some comments lol i feel like its a popularity contest:( i was jus lookin for some ladies to speak with about working in the hospitality field but i guess thats too boring. Since everyone is here hopefully someone will see me and help me out a little:)

    @ladeebug hope u dnt mind me advertising on ur thread lol
    Good luck mommies:)
  • Its weird I hvent gotten any emails. N up until like 2 wks ago I stayed arguin tryn get my point across. From its a womens right to abort, to its unfair to put kids on leashes. I just don't get y we can't talk without ppl gettin their panties in a bunch. Were all adults, well most of us. Darnit
  • @firstmama lol "we're all adults..." we damn well should be..all did an "adult" thing and got a kid or two out of it! lol i'm just teasin'
  • I don't post much because I never get help with my questions for one and for two I can't be myself here. I am a woman who speaks her mind but I know if I do that ill end up catching he'll for it. I do try to offer advice if I can but this place is out of hand. Id thought about deleting this app for a little while now. Especially since I found I better one. But I stuck around thinking maybe it will get better but it hasn't and im sure now that it wont so im going to delete this app before it makes me more annoyed than I already am! Good luck ladies with your pregnancies and with the childish women and the app police. Im over it!
  • Lmao hahahaha i say one course word and I'm the bad guy and i never mentioned anybody by name either
  • Lol @kaylamae sometimes I don't feel tht way comin on here. Like I'm still in 7th grade. Not even high school cuz damn they got more freedom of speech. N my gma gve me the " look " the other day tlkin bout some nobody told u to be doin grownup business. Now look at ya, just a fat ass. Lmao she's a doll
  • Not to butt in or anything :p but I definently agree with @kerrideern and @adrianna....@momm_kat you definently need either not to be a mederator or not a guest and post causes a lot of problems and people feel as if you are being biast...its just like being in a public highschool and a teacher preeching his believes of gets nasty and people get offfende....I know its just a forum on an app lol but its "unprofessional" just saying
  • Alright everyone lay off mama_kat b4 this gets shut down too
  • Not for nuthin... but it seems like those who go out of their way to "prove their point" are the ones who are really causing the drama here. Just my opinion.
  • Ok cool, its over,POST CLOSED (can I do tht) well im dun, back to only commenting once a week,...toodles
  • I think a lotta ppl jus take Pregly drama a lil too seriously. We're all grown & I'm pretty sure there are more important things we need to worry about. I don't even know what everyone is arguin about, but jus sayin WHO CARES bout the he said/she said or who's right or wrong? it is not THAT serious.
  • Ikr, off for 2 moredays,..better get some rest eventually
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