Anyone choosing NOT to breastfeed??

edited March 2011 in Breastfeeding
I'm seriously considering formula and bottles..


  • I am not going to breastfeed. Nothing against those who choose to, but I will be returning to work as soon as I can, and leaving work to come home and feed isn't an option (I teach). In addition, I want my husband to take part in the feeding/bonding of the baby. I may pump for bottle feeding, but as far as actually "breastfeeding" I will not be doing it, and I don't think I have to explain that to anyone who is a naysayer! :)
  • I'm not going to breast feed I've always used bottles and formula
  • I choose formula soy...or otherwise because I'm on medication. It wont hurt the babe but its what is best. I still have to get a pump for relief though.
  • I would like to breastfeed, however I will.not be judging those who choose not 2, its your body, your choice :) I'm going with boob as its cheaper lol xxx
  • I don't see anything wrong with not wanting to breastfeed...formulas are designed to be as close to breastmilk as possible so its still good for baby
  • I chose formula with all 3 of my boys & they are all very healthy. Im chosing formula for this baby to.
  • I'm not sure yet. I used formula for my first and tried to breast feed unsuccessfully with my second. Both of them are healthy and never had any problems. I will probably wait till this one is born to decide for sure.
  • I formula fed with my first 2. I always say I'm going to breastfeed but dont. Idk about this one. The only reason I would its because formulas so expensive.
  • I'm not going to breast feed either. I've never wanted to. There's nothing wrong with formula.
  • Both of mine was bottle babies easy to break them of the bottle as well and will bottle feed this one as well. My husband was able to create a bond that way as well
  • Wow there is actually some moms to relaye to. :p. My bf and whole family want me to breastfeed.. I would have no problem with it except I have severe anxitey disord er and can not take my meds while prego mind you I have a two year old already and I feel so insane now not having my meds. Without the little guy even here. And my bf also the dad has the nerve to say no my son needs breastmilk.. The crazy pary he has anxitey too and is treated with meds. Not allowed while prego either. I feel he is being a bit selfish not to mention the other hundred issues!
  • I tried breastfeeding last time and it wasn't for me. I'll be bottle feeding this time from the start.
  • I'm only brestfeeding for the 6 weeks home them bottle when back to work hate dealing with breast pumps!
  • This is my first. So I have no experience what so ever. Although breastfeeding is the cheaper way to go, I feel as if formula would be best for me. Of course breast milk is healthier but if formula was just 100% a bad choice, it would not be available. I agree with basically all comments posted.
  • I tried to breast feed my first and couldn't so pumped for a few weeks then switched to formula... I will try again this time and pump if I can't directly breast feed for a little while.
    The only difference between bottle and boob is that bubs immune system is boosted with breast milk... I think you do what works for you. Remember its your body and your the one that has to do it not anyone else. I would be reminding your partner that its not always physically possible to breastfeed so you shouldn't be pressured... goodluck xox
  • Thank you! And same to you
  • I am not going to with my second. I didnt with my first because she rejected the milk and I didnt want her to anyway, But the hospital made me try. I have a weird nerve disorder and when my nipples are touched it gives me the willies. So with this child I am not even going to try. I have nothing aginst the moms who do it but its not for me.
  • I never saw myself as the breast feeding type with my first I got crap from the wic office and dirty looks at the hospital my daughter is 2 now and she's healthy rarely sick she's smart sometimes for her own good I plan on using formula for this one also:)
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  • I didn't breastfeed but my sister did and found that with not breast feeding my boobs were never sore or infected and don't sag at all and both my boys were very healthy and got all the nutrients they needed nothing against it but I'm happy bottle feeding plus daddy gets bonding time also with the baby during feeding
  • I have breastfed all 3 of my others and was actually considering bottle feeding this one at least part of the time. I am torn I will not use power formula so it would be way more expensive to get the ready made. I just can't stand the thought of feeding my child powder milk for any length of time. I breastfed my son for 15 months and I don't want him to feel replaced in anyway. I know it sounds crazy to most but that's really my only reason for considering the bottle this time around. Who knows maybe ill give it a try and see how he acts. I only have about a month to go. He will be 20 months when the baby comes.
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  • @katemc i agree it is cheaper in the ling run plus i want the additional vitamins that the baby gets but i hold nothing against anyone that decides not to it is a big thing to take on
  • My son was born at 28wks and was at the hospital for 10wks. During his stay I didnt want him to take formula so I would pump and take the milk to the nurses. I was making so much milk that I had to freeze it. My moms fridge was filled with my boob milk she hated it lol he came home @ 5lbs and I think my milk is what helped him get better faster. I got tired of pumping at around 5months tho. I want to try this time to actually breastfeed instead of pumping. I dont think is a big deal for moms who choose not too. Formula is just as good as breastmilk
  • When do your books go down???
  • I mean boobs
  • I actually choose to breastfeed i am terrified because i don't like getting the touched. But honestly I'm only doing it to lose weight faster. Smh I'm just being honest
  • edited April 2011
    If I do decide not to breastfeed. I'm still gonna use the pump. I heard breast milk could last a long time in the fridge. I dont know how long, maybe a few weeks to a month.

    That is if I can breastfeed if not I'm fine with the formula. I was a formula baby.
  • I think i am going to breastfeed i just want to see how it feels and if i like doing it i am going to stick with it in no rush to get back to work
  • I'm not breast feeding.
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