Hubby wants to go camping with da guys a wk b4 due date...

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
My hubby is planning go camping a week before my due date. With the all the pregnancies i was always early(ex: 1st kid-6wks early, 2nd-4weeks early and 3rd-2 weeks early). Should i let him go or just make him stay?? What would u do???


  • I wouldnt think that would be such a good idea....with your track reacord you will probably be early, and needs to be there...

  • Is there a way to compromise? Like he can go but not very far away and the place has to have cell reception and you have EVERYONES number incase his phone dies?
  • Well its about an hr and half away, no reception and i have like 2 of his friends numbers. I was okay with it at first, but now im starting to think it might be a bad idea.
  • I wouldnt let him go
  • Oooo. That's a no go then. I was trying to think of something to make you both happy.
  • I know, i feel bad.
  • I wouldn't want him to go either. Thats just not a very good idea since you've been early every time. Try to talk to him about it and see what he thinks. Maybe they can schedule it for another time.
  • Im in a similar situation. My baby is due right in the middle of hunting season. At first my husband was whining about it but then I said" really you want to possible miss the birth of your child? " and he made up Hows own Monday that he wasn't going. He actually usually goes w my dad and I got My dad to stay home to for the birth. Long an short of it is they can go camping hunting fishing or whatever a million times. How many times are their children / grandchildren going to be born?
  • Monday =mind. Autocorrect :>
  • I totally agree! I wouldn't let him go. There are so many other times he will get to go camping. He can skip once
  • Ye very true, especially that im getting tubal ligation right after. So this will be the last baby.
  • I'd say noooo way! Not with no cell reception.
  • Haha it sounds like your due dates decrease by two weeks each time.... Maybe this time will be EXACTLY on your due date ? How cool would that be? Aside from that point, idk about this one, especially since there's no cell reception. Why can't he just set it back another week or so ? Camping will always be there, if he misses the birth of his child, he will be soooo upset for the rest of his life. Tell him to take a raincheck.
  • How far are the camp grounds from home, is the question? because I live so close to a camping area it really wouldnt matter. If he is close and has a fully charged cell and drives his own vehicle in case he has to leave, shouldnt be a problem.
  • Its an hr an half away. Its an annual thing with the Men from our church. Good news is i talked to him about it and,hes staying - no attitude, took it like a man, lol.
  • My hubby is going to bonnaroo 2 weeks before my due date. Hopefully he won't be too tipsy to drive back down if I go into labor ha ha.
  • I would make him stay, my hubby works out of state sometimes and now that I'm 32 weeks, he's not allowed to go out of state til after baby comes. Its bad enough that with the last 2 he was an hour away. And with the last one when I called he asked if he had time to come home and get a shower, I said sure. He said he asked if he had time to stop at home depot, I would have never said yes to that, but he stopped at home depot on his way home. And then on the way to the hospital we stopped and got taco bell!
  • No wat if u do go into labor early n he's out somewhere camping plan for another weekend
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