I'm doing it! I was only in labor for 3 and a half hours with my son and I had an epidurak but it never kicked in so I felt everything and to be honest, it wasn't the horror story I thought it was gonna be! My doc is very encouraging and says you usually do better and go faster the 2nd time around. Besides, the meds have been known to slow labor. So....wish me luck!
Lmao. I can't do it! I just know it's going to hurt and since this is my first I have a feeling I'll be in labor a full damn day. I'll get the epidural. I'm always down for pain meds!
I watched my sister deliver a breech ( butt first) baby naturally at home with no tearing and just seeing how alert and awake he was right after birth did it for me..:) you won't regret trying it.. lol but I Feel ya with the pain meds..@jwigs awesome video!! Very informative..
I don't like to take medicines anyway. My doc teased me when I went in for a sinus infection. She was looking in my history to see if I had used a Z pack before and when, and laughed that I never go to the doctor. I don't even take mucinex or psuedophed. I even limit my Tylenol and motrin use. I just don't like putting unnecessary chemicals in my body. So why would I jump on an epidiral? Doesn't make sense when I think about it.
I guess I'm not terrified of needles cause I'm in the medical field and Im around them everyday. I also have tatts so they don't bother me. I'm opting for the drugs, lol. Stick that needle in my back,please!
My first birth was completely natural. Because of the whole awesome experience I had with my doctor at the time I believe that is why it was. Amazing. Although 45 mjn labor start to finish who would have had time. Due to inducing complication I had an epi with my second, but still felt the pain. Am going to try for natural again.
I'm planning on having a natural birth. I've heard it's great. Painful, but great. I also watched the business of being born. (hubby watched it too!) The only reason I would have any intervention is if there's a serious complication.
I had natural with my first son by no choice hurt like hell but the 2nd one the shot happened late the 3rd epi. Thinking natural cuz this my fiance first n I want him to really know wat we as women goes thru
I want a water birth, my hospital doesn't faciliate that so I'm looking into self pay at a birthing center... but it will most definitely be natural...
Ooh... and my hubs ridiculous... he's like have a c-section so it doesn't change my va-jay-jay... I'm like nerd, are u serious? Men... can't kill em'... but he is supportive, just a retard... but I do want him in the tub with me....