6 weeks and 2 days preggos, any sept mamas in the house ;)



  • due sept. 18 according to this app
  • Due sept 24 according to this app with my first! Excited but freaking out. Stomach has felt icky for 2 weeks now with extreme hunger pains. anyone else with same symptoms?
  • @angel I'm due Sep 28 as well!! Very nervous I had a miscarriage back in June at about 11 weeks! Terrifying experience I had to have a dnc surgery. How far along were you? Trying to stay positive! Im calling the Dr Monday and getting in for an appointment this week. Hoping everything looks perfect.
  • I'm due on the 24th as well with my first. We've been trying for over five years so we are absolutely thrilled! My first appointment is on the 11th of February and it seems SOOOOOO far away!
  • I had the so far away feeling as well .....My appointment was last week and was pretty much paper work and blood work.....I go again in 3 weeks for an ultrasound and check up........I am due on sept 7th according to an ultrasound I had done for free at a clinic an hour away.....I could not wait to see the baby......LOL this is my 3rd pregnancy.....But my first in almost 9 years......Loving the fact that i will have a baby again.
  • This is my first! But I think the docs r wrong...we went in first doc apt. According to my last cycle I am 9 weeks. But according to the ultra sound I am exactly seven weeks.....now I was going through all the symptoms of pregnancy a full week before they are saying I even concieved. I am worried but the docs act like its nothing....is something wrong....could the ultrasound be off it was internal one.
  • Sept 20th (: I'll be 7 weeks tuesday. First ultrasound not until feb 17th & the wait is killing me...
  • I'm due 24th don't know when first scan is. Midwife hasn't rang me yet. This is my first. Really excited want to tell the world x
  • According to all apps we are due 9/22 with our 3rd. DD is almost 5, and DS just turned 3. So excited first doc appt feb 3rd, dont think there will be an ultrasound yet. Feeling fabulous, just extremely tired.
  • I'm due Sept 26th!!!! My first appt is Feb 8th!!! I'm so excited
  • I'm due Sept 13th. My first appt was Jan 14th, had an appt with the nurse on Jan 26th and my 2nd appt on Feb 8th and hopefully an ultrasound!! Congrats everyone :)
  • September 26 for me I had a ultrasound. At the er went n with stomach pain thought it was my pelvis r cancer r something humph PREGNANT AGAIN OH NO AWWWE
  • I am due sept 21st.. I am also an army wife .. This is our first and we have an appt on the 2nd of february.. We are so excited
  • Randilyn- I had my miscarriage same same last year. I actually lost my baby at 5 weeks and 2 days but I didn't go back to the doctor until I was suppose to be 8 weeks. When I got in there they said the baby stopped growing 2 weeks ago. My cervix wouldn't open to to miscarry so they schduled a DNC but they next day I miscarried naturally and it was the most painful thing I have ever went through! Physically and emotionally! I know exactly how u feel being pregnant again! I'm nervous too but my doctors still don't want to see me until I'm 8 weeks so I don't go to the doctor until february 21st and I have known about my pregnancy since the middle of january!
  • I know everything is good so far because I'm starting to pouch out a little bit :-D I feel more sick with this one and last time I actually lost a lot of symptoms in the 2 weeks it stopped growing and I didn't feel preggers anymore but so far that's not the case! Hoping for a perfect pregnancy this time! I will be praying for yours too!
  • I am 26 from western chicago suburbs & it's our 1st! :-) according to this app I am due sept 27. My 1st appointment is on feb 21st. Seems sooo far away. Congratulations and happy & healthy pregnancy to all. :-)
  • September 2!!!!! Active little one too. Ultrasound was hard to get a good pic LOL
  • September 28 with my first!! :X
  • I'm due Sept. 24th... It's twins! This is my first pregnancy.
  • Wait to tell people outside of your family because if things don't pan out with this baby, then it could be harder on you because everyone will keep asking how is the baby. Your family is great to tell because you can share your excitement with them.
  • I'm do Sept 28... I really want a girl... but I know I'm having a boy for sure... is it normal to gain 15 pounds in 7 weeks of beeping pregnant???
  • @joe17 Wow, it varies....if u feel healthy and dr says u r thats all that matters
  • Hey ladies congrats to all of u.....wish u a safe pregnacy wth lots of health for u n bby..... DUE SEPTEMBER 6 SO XCITED...first bby first grandchild n nephew/niece n my imidiate fam....
  • I'm due september 12th. My first appointment was on the 2nd. Baby looked good nice strong heartbeat. I have a 3 year old daughter as wellas two step daughters. Id be happy with boy or girl my fiance wants a son.
  • @joe17 with my daughters I gained 10 pounds in my first trimester but only 25 with the entire pregnancy. With this one I haven't gained any weight yet and I'm 11 weeks. Every pregnancy is different. Congrats to all the sept mommies. Due Sept 2nd!!
  • My EDD is Sept. 25th. This is my 2nd pregnancy, but 1st baby. I had a miscarriage last year, so I'm really nervous this time. My first appointment is next week. I hope they do an ultrasound. This pregnancy feels completely different, and I'm nauseous all the time, so I hope thats a good sign.
  • Due sept 26 with our 3rd. Hoping for a girl as I'm outnumbered 3 to 1 in my household! Feeling so tired but not as naueous as last time. My boys are 6 and 13 months hope I can keep up with them.
  • September 21st for me :)
  • My Due day is September 24 the which is a week and a half after my birthday and the exacted day of the father to be..I am extremely excitedsince this is my first childbut my fifth pregnancy..I've had 4 miscarriages but this onehas gone farther and is doing very well..I'm only seven weeks today and I've already gained 12 pounds and I'm pooching out as if I was five months pregnant..I'm hoping for a boy..
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