Omg it makes me sick



  • so true to that comment at 12 I was still playing with dolls !!!! like I say all these kids getting pregnant and all These well matured and ready couples ttc and cant its heart breaking KIDS HAVING KIDS its unaxceptable
  • I have to say... As the mother of a 12 yr old daughter, I am disappointed and slightly pissed off about this post.

    My husband and I were devastated to learn that our 12 yr old daughter was sexually active last year. I couldn't believe it! I was thankful that she and the boyfriend had the sense to use condoms, but i made it clear that it would not happen again. She is too young... She never said a word to us about it. We found out because my husband read her diary. She started her period at 10 so puberty had long passed. We worried that she would hurt herself simply from the stress of us finding out and breaking up with her bf and having no one to talk to about it.

    Thank God my daughter didn't get pregnant. But if she had I sure wish that she would have had a resource with knowledgeable, experienced women who could at least be empathetic to how difficult her situation could be. That little girl is somebody's daughter.... It's not our place to condemn or approve of her behavior. We need to support her and guide her so that she is taking care herself and that baby.
  • @txmoorekat completely agree! I recently found out a girl I used to babysit, who's a 7th grader at our local middle school is pregnant. She was pressured into it by some older kid who shockingly isn't catching any of the heat. Our whole stupid town has essentially condemned this poor little girl and all I want to do is hug her :( I am sorry to hear about your daughters situation, that is a confusing age. Its like they're all in a race to grow up.
  • @txmoorekat thank you for writing this. I did not read that young girls post but I wish I had because then maybe she would know that this is a safe place to come for help. And if she was worried about tellin her parents befor I am sure that all of these hurtful things people are sayin is only making it harder on her. My neice has a friend that is preg at 12 and I have talked to my neice about this so much that as soon as her friend told her. They called me that little girl was so scared because she didn't know how it happened no1 ever talked to her about sex and condoms. None of us know that poor girls story and none of us should judge.
  • What y'all aren't acknowledging is that children now are growing up much faster than we ever imagined doing at their age. I graduated 8th grade into high school with a male classmate who already had a child and a female classmate who had two... I'm 23. There is a higher rate of young ladies going thru puberty earlier and seeing a world around them gich encourages sexuality and more pressure on young boys to become "men" sooner that coupled with an economy that forces parents to work more and hinders their ability to have that ever watchful eye and of course cell phones and computers which eliminate the shy factor that used to keep kids from moving forward so quickly yo a physical relationship I don't find it at all shocking just sad and scary. And moms here shaking fingers need to look at themselves and the situation under which you've become pregnant, age marital status etc because likely your kids will replay your history even sooner. Teenager parents are much more likely to become parents to teenage parents. And btw the 5 year old is a true story, happened out of the us And it was a medical condition which caused early puberty and rape lead to pregnancy
  • @txmoorekat I strongly agree with you
    I can't imagine my younger sissy having sex at that age she is 13 now and its just crazy but Im not judging or any thing in 16 but its hard to believe
  • This site is for giving support and advice. Not for putting someone down. I'd hate to think how some of you moms are going to act when your kids get older. What if that was your twelve year old in this situation? I agree with txmoorekat.
  • @txmoorekat I'm only 22 but ur post speaks volumes. I was 14 wen I was in the same situation as ur daughter and my parents told me if I ever got pregnant at such a young age they wouldn't b happy at all but that I'd have to live with the "consequences" I'm so glad and appreciative that u have the common sense that most ppl lack. This little girl needs help! Not to b looked down upon and degraded regardless of wut YOU feel. It's very selfish and rude of all of u. And if this girl is reading these posts I hope she sees that there r ppl who r concerned about her and that r worried about her well being.
  • @firstmama yea I think so. She would talk to them and meet them at 12! Its crazy
  • @mizsamantha right on girl! :) couldn't have said it better!
  • I honeslty didn't even no what sex was at 12!! Idk how or when I was told.. but I know it wasn't til later.. I learned a lot by 'lets talk sex with sue johanson' and even then I was lost. Lol..

    When I was in the fifth grade someone asked me if I lost my virginity.. I was so lost.. I had no clue what they were talking aboout.

    I hope I can keep my child innocent as long as I can.
  • @native_mama24

    Thanks! I don't understand why they are deciding to start so young. I take part of the blame because we trusted her too much and allowed her to come home to an empty house after school. It nearly tore our family apart. But you know...Kids are killing themselves because they are afraid to ask for help in situations much simpler than this young mom's. It's important for them to know they have a safe place somewhere...
  • i hope she hasnt been scared away from tallking on here and seeking the support she needs. If there is anybody who needs support its the girl you are putting down and you have just done the exact opposite of supporting her. I hope she is ok.
  • I hope she's alright too
  • @mizsamantha

    Yeah I really hope she is okay and finds someone close to help her...
    And I hope she wasn't hurt and abused in the process of getting pregnant
  • Its scary to think that my daughter is almost that age. That poor girl must be terrified I hope she finds the courage to tell her mom and that her mom is supportive and helps her. Id be pissed if it was my daughter but id still help her and love her. Being pregnant my self we've been talking a lot about how it happens and what can be done to prevent it when you are young and not ready. The best thing we can do fr our little girls is to educate them on sex and pregnancy and give them the tools and resources they need to avoid unwanted situations. I think one thing as moms we really need to stress to teens is some meds like antibbiotics make birth control stop working I knew a 15yr old who got pregnant thay way because no one told her that some meds would kill the bc that's something drs should tell u and don't most of the time. I wish this 12 yr the best of luck and I hope it works out for her she has a long hard road ahead of her.
  • I love how y'all are gettinh mad at the ppl. For being disturbed about a 12 yr for having sex when y'all are the ones calling her lil girl

    Its wrong and gross wtf was she thinking god kids are stupid

    Next mtv hit
    Pregnant Tweens!!!
  • It is sad that 12 year holds are maturing That quickly its also sad to hear adults bashing children when as moms we should be nurturing and teaching rather than ridiculing
  • My only issue with this, is who was she sleeping with? was this consensual??? she is wayyy below the age of consent and I'm scared that this happened bc some horrible man or teen thought it was acceptable. There is a law about having sex with 12 year olds if you are past the age of consent which is normally 16 which can get you life in prison. I hope everything is okay and no one did that to her. I also honestly hope it is not true for the sake of growing up while you're literally still a child, that is terrifying I'd assume at that age. I also wonder what doctor would do an exam like that to date a pregnancy and not notify someone.....There was a man in Florida just a few days ago that was sentenced with life in prison for getting a NINE year old pregnant, so I understand why some people on here are upset, how can you not be upset with what is happening to this young lady. Hell I'm 25 and I'm not sure I can handle this let alone handle it alone. She hasn't posted since so I'm really hoping that it is not true. Not trying to judge just scared for someone sooooo young...
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  • @gabschillin I'm sure 12 and pregnant tho could mean abuse, esp if she won't bring the family with her, so I think there is a law on doctors to report what might be abuse on a child, not totally sure tho, I'm curious to how she even found a doctor, paid or filled out the forms all by herself, hell I know I wouldn't have been able to at that age. I started my period at 8 and it was the worst experience of my life, there is no way I would have had sex that young, I was sooo scared until I was almost 15
  • @gabschillin I agree with you for the record, it's just so sad....
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  • @gabschillin LOL @ bleeding chocolate!!! I remember that I told my mom I was dying all calm and stuff and she was like what are you talking about, I just told her I was going to bleed out of my pee hole to death (clearly no idea what I was talking about) lol- I completely understand tho, I did everything humanly possible to avoid being pregnant, I could not have been okay with that. I was terrified of getting pregnant and was super safe due to extreme fear of that happening, the first time I told my mom I thought I was pregnant was the first time I even told her I was having sex. We went to kmart and got a test and I took it in the bathroom and she told me it said positive I litteraly passed out on the floor! she said she was just joking and got me bc the next day. That fear stuck with me, hell I had WAY too much fun in high school and right after and that would have never happened if I had a baby
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  • @gabschillin I agree that's the only thing I was really worried about....that would be so terrible. And heck I TOTALLY deserved it! If my daughter(whenever I had one) came and told me she might be pregnant then I will do this same thing (hopefully shes not of course) to me it was like poetic justice since I scared the crap outta my mom, she thought it was funny lol
  • Reading some of these comments make me realize its a good thing I never share my comments or views. While yes 12 is a young age to be having a baby its also an incredibly scary time too. At any age you need the love and support from family and friends but its even more so when younger. Those girls will be completely different than their friends and who wants that. Without knowing the situation its hard to really judge because that's not fair. Put yourself in her position as being that young or what if your a gay parent or single mom and the list can go on and on. Maybe before judging we should all remember being that age and not be the first to pull out judgements. Give everyone a fair fight.
  • @rachelsmumma7 I knew a chick (never knew her name) in high school my senior yr 07 pregnant wit her 2nd but she was a sophomore told us she had her 1st at ten her father was raping her n wit the 2nd a neighbor that was 26 back then I jus wanted to cry or tell authorities I think schools should be in the students lives so much more only wen they are that young cuz she dnt need to be in that household its not stable n I didn't no wheather she had a boy/girl n would hate for her children to b raped by these perverts but I couldn't imagine being pregnant n high school not that its jus horrible but out of 4 grades it had to b at least 10 ppl pregnant thru out the year n I didn't want to b part of that group......
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