All my pregnancy symptoms have stopped! Theres no bleeding & not really any cramping other than the usual cramping ive been feeling. But im just still worried because ive heard stories of ppl not having any bleeding or cramping and still had a mc.
How far along are you? Because at some point the puking, sore breast n all that does stop once you get farther along...if your worried call your doctor or go to the er (they will do an ultrasound)
I would just wait and call your OB doc on Monday and get an app. There is nothing that ER can or will do for you if your having a M/C. They will send you home on bed rest and tell you to drink plenty of fluids. But if it makes you feel better then go. Hope all is well. Lots of prayers.
I saw my babies heartbeat at 6 1/2 weeks ended up in miscarriage at 9 weeks but the baby had stopped growing at 7 weeks. And I thought everything was fine. Honestly the er can't/won't be able to do anything for u this early.
Ive been having pregnancy symptoms since day one. The other day it stopped and worried me but came back the next day. Now its gone again. U can go to er if that makes u more comfortable.
Well that sucks. Never had to really deal with the health department except for getting shots for the kids. I hope you get everything figured out. Lots of prayers and think positive. Maybe your just one of the lucky ones that will bypass all the symptoms.
I was feeling the same way in the begining cause I had a mc before and I was always worried about having another. I didn't have the symptoms all the time either n when I did get sick it was cause of the prenatal vitamins I was taking. Now I can feel my baby move everyday and it gives me a lot of relief everytime...cause I'm still a little worried. But if you really think its best for you then you should do what you think is best...if you think its best to go to the er instead of waiting the 2 weeks then u should go....I didn't want to go and just waited until the appointments and felt a lot better everytime I heard the heartbeat....
You should always do what you think is best...stressing isn't good for the baby so if it will help you feel more at rest then go. But if it makes you feel any better I never had any symptoms I had some cramping that early on but never got morning sickness or anything and now I'm 36wks along with a very healthy boy...everyone is different some have lots of symptoms and some don't.
@ashleyfew To me this is an emergency but I guess to others it wouldnt be one. Everyone is different. And yea I cant get an earlier appt. I have to wait til april 14th no matter whats happening. It sucks to not have insurance.
Call your ob and the recording will give you an on call drs number. Call the number and ask. If you call them they may be able to shed some light on it. Your symptoms, if it was an mc, wouldn't go away all of a sudden. I hope its all good, and your just worring. Prayers your way sweety!
@needamiracle they didnt go away all of a sudden. Only symptom really was sore boobs and they gradually stopped hurting until it stopped all together. & our county health department doesnt work like that.
@mimibrowneyez36 I understand that to you it is an emergency but to the er staff it wouldn't be considered one I went to the er w a miscarriage on a Friday night with bleeding and am rh- and have to receive a Rhogham shot within 72 hours of onset of bleeding/trauma. That Friday night the baby had a heartbeat at the er but by Monday I passed the baby at home. Still nothing that u can do as harsh as it sounds there are some things medicine or mamas can't prevent
@cetheridge yes I know how it works. Ive had a previous miscarriage. & to the er staff nothing is an emergency. Lol. Trust me ive been there with a life threatening problem and if you dont come in on the ambulance then youre not an emergenct to them.
But even if you had a missed miscarriage, wouldnt you get sick like fever like symptoms or something? Cant your body tell even if it was missed? This is what I've heard but not sure
I dont wana go in 2 weeks from now & find out I had a miscarriage 2 werks prior. That would be even more heartbreaking.
@mama_kat I dnt have any insurance yet so I cant go to urgent care. Thnx 4 the advice anyway.
And yea I cant get an earlier appt. I have to wait til april 14th no matter whats happening. It sucks to not have insurance.
& our county health department doesnt work like that.