who wants a girl

edited January 2011 in September 2011
i really want a girl


  • Me tooo! I feel so different already with this pregnancy then I did.when I was pregnant with my son. My son wants me to have a boy, he has twin sisters on his dads side. He gets so mad when he asks how the baby is and I tell him his sister is good lol
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  • cool

    i think gurls would be more fun and perhaps easier because we are the same gender
  • but nothing against boys but a female in the family would be nice
  • I won't a girl I'm only 11 weeks an I kno its a girl
  • great hope your right
  • im so excited for you guys
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  • I want a girl so bad. My boyfriend wants a boy, he already has a daughter.
  • tuff luck....i hope u get what you want either way is a blessing take care lisamarie
  • Between 5 an 10 weeks I was so sick I couldnt work I would Jus want to lay in bed I hate my bf an I want anything that is sweet @mama0811
  • I want to have a girl! I have two kids girl n boy... but this time I want a girl... my fiance wants a boy... I hope I win. :-)
  • Im having a girl. Im gonna be 27 weeks on monday. Were so excited. My husband is estactic about our little girl. Her name is Brileigh Payton.
  • If i am having a girl, i could name her ... Zuri
  • Im having a girl 28 weeks pregnant now :-)
  • Im preg wit 5th.I have 2girls n 2boys.I Want a girl bc shopping for girl stuff is so much fun and i dont want two boys always being ruff.I have 2girls one is 11teen n other is 9.my boys r 8 and 17months.I want a girl bc two boys around same age is hard they like to wrestle and be ruff.girls are not ruff when there lil but when they get older oh boy the hormones kick in n its trouble.boys r harder when lil and easier when older.girls r easier when lil and harder when older.from my experience.
  • I think I want a girl. Lol. But sometimes I think another boy would be nice too. Little man is 20 months. I'm just excited for him to have a sibling. Hubby wants another boy though. Lol.
  • I want a girl...always thought that is what I would have...hope I am right.
  • I'm having a girl. This is my first & I'm 32 weeks. My husband really wanted a boy but he's starting to get more and more excited about having a little girl.. Its cute. I can't wait
  • I really,wanted a boy. I'm having a girl. Now that I know that I'm actually really excited! Lol
  • Me n da baby father wants a girl so bad
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  • I have 3 girls... 6,3&2. We r ttc and really would love to have a boy.... but really would feel blessed with either. Congrats to u all.
  • My son is 4. This pregnancy is way different then my first. I feel horrible and I'm having another boy.
  • I have three boys already, so I'm torn. I'd really like to have a girl, but it would be such a savings to have another boy.
  • I want a lil girl sooooooo badly I've got 3 boys I wanna finaly shop for pink
  • My best friend had a dream that I had a girl and knew her name, before I found out I was pregnant... so I have been riding on that ever since. I'm now 7 weeks and I've already got clothes... I didn't buy them, my friends' did... Hoping for a little girl, but I just want a healthy baby.
  • I hava a 22 month girl that acts like a boy! She only wants to watch thomas the train! I watch thomas atleast eight times a day! She loves monster trucks, and loves singing. She wont play or asks for dolls! We bought her princess theme bed but when we go to the store she gets on the cars theme bed??? Atleast she loves shoes!!! Shes a only daughter so im hoping for another girl so they can both get along and hopefully becomes a little bit more girly lol. But shes so much fun!!! I enjoy her every minute. Daddy wants a boy but for me i just ask god for a healthy baby! Good luck mommys!
  • I REALLLLYYYYY want a girl and so does the dad. My fiancees sisters both have boys, and one is havin another boy, oh and his cousin has a boy. So I would have the first girl on his side and she will get super spoiled. I'll be happy with whatever God decides to bless us with, as long as its healthy
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