Hair Relaxer and Gel Nails?

edited March 2011 in Health
Hi, all! Just curious if you ladies are relaxing your hair while pregnant. Ialways do it myself but I could go to the hairdresser to keep my hands out of the chemicals. Maybe I could get braids but that's not really my style.

The other thing is that I get my nails done with gel polish (lasts forever and looks awesome!) but the stuff has to soak off in polish remover and it takes awhile. Thinking that might not be such a good idea.

Any thoughts? Thank you! :-?


  • No hair relaxers!!! u gonn have to stick it outt.. That chemicals get into ur scalp ns blood.. Which is not good.. That's part of being preggo.. We gota sacrafice!!! Lol .. Nails r ok tho :)
  • I love gel nails, I want to go get mine done. I just hate soaking them, so I try an try to peal what I can before I go in. I did hear the light is whats bad. But im sure it cant be to bad. Hope someone else replys good question. ;;)
  • I fear I might have to look pretty crummy for the next 225 days. :-((
  • Awe no.. Ull do just fine..try other things :)
  • My doctor (without me even asking) said he gets questions like this a lot & that its all perfectly fine.. & his nurse said the hair relaxers are fine & she did it while she was pregnant..
  • My dr said that stuff is fine in a well ventilated area. The chemicals don't get into your bloodstream. The smell is what they worry about. Also your hair may react differently because of the hormones and vitamins.
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  • The UV light is only a issue regarding skin cancer. It was in the news recently. Increases ur risk with repeated exposure.
  • I only wear gel nails it is ok and though they say don't relax ur hair I have read several articles and books saying it is ok I did once since I been pregnant and focused on my roots and not my scalp but it didnt take as well as it should and I used Dr. Miracle
  • I dyed my hair a couple months ago and it came out nothing like the color it was suppose to be. The dye was a burgandyish color and it came out a golden blonde color lol hormones I guess..
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  • @ashleyfew - whew! Thanks! I appreciate everyone's responses.
  • Hair relaxer needs to be well ventilated, also, the chemicals could cause an allergic reaction since your skin changes. As for gel polish, yes. They are perfectly fine. I have the whole system, I use it all the time. My doctor said its actually safer since it doesn't need to be done as often as regular polish :) pamper away!!
  • @MrsDelRae- many thanks! Pamper I shall! (*)
  • I am obsessed with my nails, its bad. I feel as long as my nails look good, I shaved&showered I don't feel bad being a bum in my pjs ;) I used to hate getting polish on my fingernails since it always chipped the next day. The gel polish I found lasts forever! Darker colors of course need re-done sooner since you can see growth easier, but I use it on my daughters. I did my 6yr olds toes with it 3wks ago, still look like she just had them done. Let me know what color you end up getting :) I just went to have a mani/pedi on Friday-I always get pedis, but I space the manis out so I can do the color myself in between, plus my cuticles don't need trimmed as often as I get pedis either. I always get french, but this time I got a real pretty fuchsia pink with blue undertones, looks just like O.P.I.'s Pompei Purple :) (or is it Kinky In Helsinki?...let me look, I have both, lol) Have fun! :-D
  • Blueberrysmom I don't know how relaxers work but people said the same thing about getting mine high lighted n I just did it and it was.fine with the doctor so... and my opinion cause I have acrylic nails n get them soaked off every 3 months ask your tech for a mask so you don't inhale the.fumes good luck
  • I died my hair a blonde colour the other day and it came out dark brown!! Lol
  • I am not sure aout hair relaxer but I rather be safe then sorry later! I know for sure from reading labels of nail stuff that it could lead to misscariage or cancer. Some nail places use stuff that is not intended for human use, but still used because its cheaper!
  • Going to get my hair done in half an hour. So relieved because the 80s called and it wants its sad little scrunchie back! :-))
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