first ultrasound tomorrow morning

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
I go for my first u/s at 9:30 tomorrow morning....I'll be 7 weeks exactly. Last time I had an ultrasound, I found out baby had died two weeks earlier. Trying to be calm and bot anxious, but its just so **** hard!!!


  • I kno it hard but try not to think the wrst! I hope everything goes ok for u!
  • I have my 1st one tomorrow too! Im nervous too.
  • Think positive and try to stay calm, don't work yourself up :) hope all is well tomorrow!
  • I have my first one tomorrow too. Sorry about your loss. Im a bit scared b/c im almost 6 weeks and still have no symptoms or even feel preggo. I feel normal but I tested positive so hopefully tomorrow I get to see my sweet pea
  • I saw my little tad pole! S/he is alive and kicking! Sooo relieved, and very happy, and cannot wait til I get to hear the heartbeat :-)
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  • @msmommy my symptoms didnt hit until 6 weeks then went away for 2 days & I FREAKED out! But im 7wks2dys & they are back. So dont worry if they come late or even if they go away. GL
  • I have mines wednesday so nervous dont feel pregnant at all besides my breast being sore I'll be 6wks then just ready to see dat everything is good
  • Mine is Wednesday also, and I'm so nervous. I pray all of your goes well!
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