going to the hospital.



  • Thank you. They said I have to go to my obgyn tomorrow to make sure. Im bleeding a lot more now since they ultrasound. Idk if they heard a heart beat or not. I wasn't allowed to see or do anything. They said my levels are low and my cervix is low. They said im 3 weeks but my obgyn said im 6 weeks. Its confusing as hell. But I hope its nothing. Thank you all for your prayers and concerns. It means the world to me
  • Its breaking my heart reading this, I hope you manage to rest today and fingers crossed for tomorrow, I had a miscarrige at 14 weeks last year, managed to come to terms with it surprisingly well and its brought us closer. Babies way of telling us she didnt want to burden us if she wasnt born perfect I suppose, pregnant now and appreciating it so much more, if the worst happens I hope the best comes out but all in all wishing its perfect now for you! Please let us know how you get on wishing for the best x
  • Hoping it's good news for you today !
  • Good luck hun ull b in my prayers.
  • My prayers to you. Good luck. I had a miscarriage back in june 2010 and they wouldn't let me see the screen either. Even though I knew what was happening since I was diagnosed with a bighted ovum. I had to g to the hospital though because the pain was terrible. It was the hardest thing ever to go through. Im so sorry that you are alone right now. You need support more than anything right now.
  • Thank y'all. Im just so nervous still. My dr can't see me today but he said he can Wednesday. I hope everything is ok. Im so sore today from all the things they put in me.... I think im going to switch hospitals because I feel like its wrong they couldn't tell me a yes or no. I just want things to be alright. Ill keep everyone posted.
  • I can't go to my obgyn till I get accepted for medicaid. I swear its like the world is against me.
  • Im sorry honey. You can go to patient records and get a copy of the Dr notes at the hospital if they wont tell you. They'll even give you the ultrasound pictures there too if they took some.
  • They took a ton of pictures. Im gonna go to medicaid tomorrow and see if they can put me on a forward list or something because of what is happening. I don't even want to deal with the hospital trying to get answers they talk to everyone like they are idiots.
  • Hope all is well pray to god and whats meant to be will be
  • I'm praying for you!!!
  • Very sorry dear, maybe go to another hospital/er and have them check and give you a for sure answer. Which they should have last night or call your obgyn and see if he can see you but bill you later, if you bring the bill to Medicare when the accept you, the should cover it. Prayers going out to you and your baby
  • When I called my obgyn today they said why didn't they call my dr to come check me out. My dr last night shouldnt even been working. He just had a stroke a week ago. Im still bleeding off and on. Idk if its from the catherid or from the baby. Its a darker red. Its not like bright red like what a comes out of a cut. Im just confused. Idk what's going on. I feel so clueless to this.
  • It doesn't sound right to have left you having a miscarriage, so maybe it isn't one! Maybe babys heart beat is really low and there worried to tell you because you could stress out. This can0happen and in a few days might perk right up! HOpe your ok hun and keep calm Xx
  • Ughh! ! That is such bullshit! How aggravating! Not the help you need right now! I'm angry for you! Hoping the very best for you!! Xoxo
  • The doctors did the same to me in September when I miscarried. They would not tell me, so I went to my obgyn and he said u did. I am so sorry your bleeding. I hope everything is ok. Stay strong!
  • I meant the hospital not doctors. Whoops!
  • I had the same thing happen to me. But when i went to my obgyn everything was five so maybe all will be with u. I left the hospital more upset than when i got there
  • Fine not five
  • Hope you had good news to find out. Keep calm sweetie and just pray...
  • You should have been given the answers you need right away!! It's utter bullsh*t that you're stuck not knowing. The hospital should have been able to give you a definitive answer. My internal ultrasound combined with the fact that my pregnancy hormone level had dramatically dropped was all they needed to tell me I'd lost my baby. I'm so angry & upset for you, that you're still unsure of what's happening. No woman should have to go through that. My thoughts & prayers are with you. Try to stay positive, hun. I know how hard it is!!
  • Thank y'all! I wanted to punch my dr last night. I mean all I needed was a yes or no. They should have been able to tell something from the ultrasound. But I pray to god everything is alright. Even my mother in law and father in law are concerned. But I just really hope the bleeding subsides. Maybe it wont be anything at all. Just my body changing for the baby. Im trying to stay positive its just hard when there are so many unknowns
  • When I had my m/c I was n pain I didnt bleed til after the baby came out I wasnt that far along.
  • Absolutely, it's hard. Which is why I'm SO mad that the ER released you with no solid answers!! I've lost two babies, & even having to wait an hour to learn what's happening feels like an eternity. For you to be waiting days is unthinkable! I'm so sorry. I'm praying everything is okay, & that this bleeding has a different cause other than miscarriage. I'm praying for you & your baby. Come on here & vent anytime you need us, & don't be afraid to try another ER visit at a different hospital.
  • They just didn't seem concerned because im only 6 weeks. They said its typical. I just don't get how I have friends younger than me that don't have this problem. I just feel like I did something wrong so that's why this is happening. I don't have any pain I just pass blood every now and then. So it concerns me. I hope medicaid comes through for me tomorrow... I feel like these doctors are gonna drive me insane.
  • I just went through this last week the er doctors we're telling me the sme exact thing they r telling u it is really frustrating! I just got out of my Ultrasound baby if fine.dnt worry and sty positive
  • You cannot blame yourself, no matter how this turns out. Unless severe drug or alcohol abuse is present, miscarriages are NOT the woman's fault. I went through the same guilt and questions and doubt. In the end, you have to accept that most miscarriages are from a baby who was not healthy, and your body recognizing this fact and ending the pregnancy for you - albeit not with our permission. Nothing can be done to change it. Just hang in there!! I was 7 weeks with my first m/c & five weeks with my second. I only spot bled with the first & had to have a DNC. I miscarried naturally with the 2nd and it was pain, contraction-like cramps, and very heavy, clotty bleeding. If you ARE miscarrying, another blood test would show, even today, an even further drop in the pregnancy hormone level. I'm SO sorry that insurance issues are standing in your way of getting the help you need. Just try to rest, stay as calm as possible, and take things one moment at a time.
  • Its just hard not to feel as though i've done something wrong. Other people make it look so easy sometimes. I just don't even want to go back to the hospital . Unless I absolutely have too. It's just hard when you have no way to save your baby.
  • Lala123 did you stop bleeding? Did it get worse or stop?
  • I started bleeding at 5 wks 5 days and went to the er. They didn't know and i went to my ob at 6 wks 2 days and saw the heartbeat. But i bled off and on for 2 more weeks but baby is fine. Keep ur head up.
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