worst day yet..



  • @kritten don't go back, no matter what he says. You and your baby deserve better. Just think of somewhere at like a half hour away from your house so you can calm down and not worry about him. Lock the doors up and get a bath..just calm your self and nerves. Good luck and be careful.
  • Good for you. Sleep good tonight, even though it may be tough.
  • I was tryin a hotel but its a bit steep right now...
  • more street time then i woulda liked..ttul..
  • The hotel 6 and super 8 aren't bad priced. If you have one near by
  • Im terrified to miscarry..what are signs
  • How long would it be if miscarried from this and what do i look for..
  • Im sorry sweety. I hope ur okay and the baby as well.
  • Your not going to miscarry. Just try to keep calm at mind, just get somewhere safe. And I thought about this last night, if you have a debit/credit card be careful of your usage.
  • If you stay with him I hope you realize things will only get worse. He is a very controlling and powering person. He obv plays the man-woman role. Men make the money, women slave drive. Oh and abuse to ur dog? If they can be that cruel to an animal then they are capable of anything. He WILL lay his hands on you eventually if he hasn't already. Is that something u want ur child to see and end up growing up thinking that's love? I will tell u right now that's not love. He loves no1 but himself, and if he comes up with a sobful apology, its gonna be b.s. just lettin u know u need to get out while u have ur life because I guarantee it will progress one day to your death. I don't care if your 20 or 16. I was 20 w my first child, and unless he can prove u an unfit mother, he can not get custody of ur child. There is so much government help out there don't use your age as an excuse. Good luck
  • I agreewith heatherstarr11 my mom was in the same situation, not my dad though. It started with yelling and throwing stuff, then it got to him trying to smash her head through a glass shower door. Heather is right it will get worse. But when he tried to punch my mom. I was 12 or so and threatened I'd kill him if he touched her so he threw the door. But I could go on with incidents but every time after he cried to mom apologizing. You don't want your baby around that, you and your baby deserve better and if you go back it would bring a lot of anger to your home, and if its a boy it will think that's how to treat women and if its a girl she will expect that treatment. Just stay safe and be careful
  • yea yall r right..its happened with my own mother..he was a mad drunk..it seems im always finding horrible guys. My last relationship was abusing...there were drugs involved and all...)ut chris was like the knight in shinning armour...i guess he has become the same way..he blacks out and throws stuff..i wish i could show the house...i ended up sleeping at home on the couch and he totally iggnored me..which i am thankful for..
  • I would think the cops could help you out with the hotel fees... Or something! You're doing the right thing girl. Get a PFA and never go back. Wish I was closer to help you:(
  • I wish i had someone here too..it be nice to have that..lol
  • just remembered im goin outa town tis weekend to a concert in mississippi..now i really cant wait
  • Yaaayyyy mississippi!!!!:)
  • I just had another thought. This baby makes him think he's got a permanent hold on you. Which makes him believe he can do whatever he wants and still keep you. Please tell me you've left again... for good <3
  • Well last night when we were fighting he said when the baby is born then he is taking it..he said i have a better job and more money and can take care of it before u
  • He is saying those things to hurt you. No judge would take a baby away from their mother unless there is drugs, abuse, neglect, ect in the picture. Dont listen to what he says. It doesnt matter which parents has a better job or more money. Just stay positive and do what you have to do to provide for you and your baby.
  • I hate not knowing whats in his head...
  • You never will. People like him are sick...Im sorry if that sounds bad but its true. I say this bc I was in the same position. I really think you should read the book Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks. Its an amazing book. I dont really like reading but I read that book in 3 days.
  • You could take out a pfa against him until you can get yourself into a place of your own. If you list your current residencehe won't be allowed to come there until after the pfa runs out, which would give you some time to get yourself together. They choose the mother first 9 times out of 10 for custody, unless he can prove you're an unfit mother. Just make sure that you go for custody, first. Then you'll be the primary, even if you end up with joint custody (when my husband and his wife split it was ugly and we went through all of this. It's better now, thankfully). Your man is abusive, and there's no guarantee that he won't be abusive to your baby. I hope you can get away from him, this is stress and danger that you shouldn't be in ever, let alone while you're pregnant.
  • These girls are right. Write it ALL down. Get a PFA and don't put his name on the birth certificate. Mommmyx3 is right too, no judge will take a mothers baby away. But he can get visitation if you don't document what's going on. Keep yourself safe girl. We're all pullin' for ya <3
  • Maybe i could try to record it..i took two pics before he could notice..
  • Its really hard to take a baby from the mother (in arkansas) u have to prove she is unfit, and that is NOT usually based off ur income. By the sounds of he may be the unfit one. Id leave, I knw its hard to do and easy to say. I dated a drunk for a couple of yrs and only stayed because of his six yr old. Leaving was the hardest and smartest thing I've ever done in my life!
  • Take pics of the damaged stuff, your dogs face if it has visible injuries, and try to get them on a computer so he can't erase them from your phone. If you call an attorney, they will give you some advice for free. Definitely go to the cops. You shouldn't have to deal with that.
  • write it down along with the pictures. Some documentation (even if it hasn't been legalized) goes a long way
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