: ( not too excited

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 21 and this is my first pregnancy I've been very careful and responsible up until this point.. I'm a full time student and im currently not working.... I feel as thou I am not ready to be a mommy and I cant take care of a baby so my options are open for the worst at the moment ..... I'm considering abortion...(anti abortion people plz keep your negative comments to yourself) for I am able to make the best decision for myself ..... I just need guidance : (


  • Make the decision that is right for YOU. but remember adoption please(: good luck
  • Ultimately this is ur choice and u have to do what is best for you but I will say being a young mommy myself and on number 2, having my son was the proudest moment of my life... its amazing how much joy a baby can bring. You can still finish school babe :) there is a lot of help available for mommy's. Good luck hun.
  • Yes make the decision that is best for you, Iam pro-life but I can't tell you what to do or say you're a bad person for it. Adoption is a great choice, but ultimately its your decision!
  • I agree with mommytobe1 do what is right for you, but do keep adoption in mind, but I doubt you want to juggle being pregnant with full time school. If you decide abortion I would keep it to your self, it will be very hard, but if you tell the wrong person it spreads and you get attacked...just do what feels right to you :) good luck with w.e you choose
  • Do what is right for you situation and life. This is your life you have to live it without regret and what's best for you.
  • Totally agree^ remember their are lots of people out there that aren't as lucky as us to be able to give birth to their own. (My cousin is 21 and had her uterus removed due to problems) I'm sure there is a wonderful family out their that you could make really happy. =) good luck to you and I wish you the best.
  • If youre not ready than you're not ready. Motherhood shouldn't be forced upon anyone.
  • I was in your boat too. I turn 21 in july, & I was at university also!! Its hard for sure. I thought about all my options. Abortion adoption or keeping it...
    I know that my life is not going to be easy having a kid, but luckily I have a very supportive family, both emotionally & financially, so I know that I CAN succeed. If you don't have that support group, its going to be really hard. (Not impossible but harder)
    The best I got was from my mom, who asked me "what is your heart telling you to do" in that moment o knew I wanted to keep it.
    I miss a lot about my "old" life, seeing my friends party & travel can be hard some days...but my little girl started kicking last week...& suddenly I have a lot less of those days.
    Hope this helps. Feel free to msg me if you'd like to talk more. :)
  • Thanks ladies!!! It feels great to get some positive advice
  • Im 21 single and unemployed. I toyed with the idea of abortion but I just couldn't go through with it after I watched this video. I was sooo upset with myself. I couldn't get excited I cried daily. I felt worse because I couldn't get happy about being pregnant. I didn't tell anyone until after the holidays when I was about 14 weeks. My family has been so supportive though and they've really helped me to finally become happy about vein a momma. You gotta do what's best for you. The fear doesn't last forever. Hell I had myself convinced I wasn't really preggers that it was some kinda tumor or somethin. But once I saw the ultrasound instinct kicked in and now I can't wait to meet my little bigger. Just do you hun, whatever you choose will be what's right for you.
  • Oh my. I hope u make a right decision for you. Consider adoption. Good luck!
  • @mommytobe1 , motherhood is not "forced" upon anyone, unless its rape; which it doesn't seem to be the case here.
    & @I_heartpink, sometimes God gives us things when we don't ask & think we aren't ready.. if He brought you to it, He will surely bring you through it. I'm not trying to "force" religion on to you, but you asked for support & I hope this helps. heatherstarr11, she's right. there are a lot of options to finish school. the goverment doesn't want you living off them, as much as they don't want anyone living off them. therefore, they will help you through school to get the job you want. please don't go through with an abortion, my fiance's cousin had an abortion & she has lost 2 or 3 babies since then. not saying this will happen to you, but its a possibility. just consider this, you may change your mind within weeks, months, maybe even years. if at the end of your pregnancy you still feel you aren't ready to be a mother, adoption is always going to be an option. I hope this helps & I wish you the best of luck.
  • Do what your heart tells you. Don't let anyone make you feel guilty no matter what decision you make.
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