abandoned and angry

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Hi all,

Well I am now just 8.5 weeks preggers and let's just say the father is not too happy. We have known each other for 4 years. We have dated, seriously dated and broke up a few times. He has been my emergency contact, my best friend and my lover for quite some time now. We broke up early in 2010 and I will admit, it was hard. I loved him with all my heart...somehow we found ourselves back together. With us, it always seems to happen like magnets. Well, this time...I didn't want to catch feeling and go down the same road. I made it clear to him that I did still have feelings and couldn't go down this road again if he didn't. Well, flash forward and he moved in. He rented his house out and asked if he could stay with me (temporarily, so he said). I said yes and then he never looked for a place. He moved in nov 1st. Things were going well...we even joked of me being pregnant when my boobs started growing. Flash forward to the day I will never forget ´dec 19th.

I was 2 days late (and I'm never late) so I took a home pregnancy test. Turn positive right away... so here I was...pregnant at 34 for the first time ever...I told him and he was not a happy camper.

He wasn't happy. He pushed and pushed abortion on me saying it was the other right thing to do....I got him to back off by speaking with his family. They seemed to talk him down from the you can shove abortion in her face so much tree.

So, we did spend christmas together...but on Friday...he wrote me an email...in it it says that he never wanted to marry me and that he never saw himself having kids with me. That he doesn't think us having a kid is a responsible thing to do. That he doesn't want to stay and he doesn't want to be in a relationship with me...(sorry, committed relationship) but none of this was said to me until after I was pregnant. He is trying to spin words by saying he didn't say I was the one. He is a 36 year old boy.

I have cried my eyes out, I have yelled and in the last two days I have just plain gotten angry. He says he 'wants to be friends' and wants a relationship with the baby when she/he is born...but I don't even want to speak to him anymore. His sister is telling me I have to let him take me to the drs and be involved, but I don't know how to even look at him. Every conversation has ended with him yelling at me....calling me irresponsible for continuing with the pregnancy and telling me how much he doesn't love me...who wants to talk to that person?? Not me. I have asked him to stop being negative and to not abandone me. He is still doing both.

I can't sleep at night and I feel like an afterschool special only twice as old... this is my worst case senario...I found this forum and decided it sure couldn't hurt. I hurt so much and I feel like I'm spinning. He freaked when I didn't want to see him....but why would I ? You don't get to abandon someone and them come arond for tea do u? Plus, he wants to be free to date other people. How can that even be on his mind? What is wrong with him? I feel like he should stop looking for the one and start looking at the fact that he misled us here. He shows no remorse, doesn't even apologize for abandoning me, but want to be there as my friend. I feel like if that's a friend, who needs enemies. Several of my gfs, said kick him out...but his sister is saying that for the baby I have to get along with him. I have refused seeing or speaking to him until he has seeked help with a therapist, because frankly his actions are sociopathic. How does he not even show remorse? Just anger.

I know I will make a great mom, but I never pictured it as a single mom since I've been so careful all the years. I loved the guy and he walked away...could u be friends? Should I just say fuck off. What would u do?

This is very long...I know I just wanted to get the whole story across. Thanks ladies.


  • edited January 2011
    InshaAllah you will make a great mom
  • Wow, your not wrong there, that was a long story! I think that its a pretty immature thing he has done to not only u but his unborn baby too. Including putting an enormous amount of stress on you which u don'tr need while being pregnant. He sounds like he wants his cake and eat it too, well I would say to him; "welcome to life buddy and stand up to your responsibilies - be a man". I don't know what advice to give u but look after yourself, u and ur baby are number 1 now, don't forget that. Your baby needs u to.be healthy, otherwise who else is going to look after the baby. Good on you for not giving in when abortion was being pushed on you. You are 34, that's a good time to be a mum bc you are more mature to handle things yet young enough to keep up with your bub.
  • If u want give me any advice just paray for me.bc I am so worride.bc my husband don't want baby
  • Why do these men think its ok to enjoy sex but not deal with the consequences?
  • Why every men just want sex?
    Why he don't see his wife got a baby?
  • First off his sister has no right to tell u what u have to do. This has nothing to do with her so she needs back off and just be there for u as a friend. As for the lame ass (ur guy) if he hasn't grown up yet at 36....sorry but he probably wont (or not till baby is born). Right now u need to take care of urself for that wonderful baby you are carring. You can do this u'll be a great mother. There is nothing greater and more amazing then watching ur child turn into a little person (as i like to say). My daughter is 2 and i couldn't imagine my life without her. So be strong and take care of urself the baby needs u more then anything. Good luck hun. :)
  • I know I will make a great mother.he did't have sister.
    And thanks for advice
  • @sime...sorry but my posting was for Aeri. Since this is her post.
  • U will make it babe and truthfuly u dont gotta let him have anything to do talk him into singing over rights cuz if he dont hell have to pay child support. I hate a holes like him.. Or recored him sayinf abortion then figjt him in court
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  • Thank you all very much for your support. He tried to send me a half ass apology email today...saying he is sorry he led me on to thinking we had a future...when it was never his intention. He also said 'by focusing on me "abandoning" you pregnant is not going to change the fact we will be raising this child apart. As a result we need to move past this....'

    Lol. He put abandoned in quotes. He still doesn't get it. I'm not a door. He did abandon me and the reason I'm focusing on it is because it just happen...oh and he did. Doesn't change that he broke up with me after I was pregnant.

    I'm sticking with my no contact rule. I don't even think he deserves an email back.

    Thank u all for your support. I need the fellow pregs :)
  • Im sorry to hear that. But honey u gotta learn how to stand up for ur self and be a woman and tell him to f$%# off if he doesn't want the baby. I know you will b a great mother so stay strong the baby is a precious gift from God. Good luck!
  • Good for you. You don't need him at any apt. And if he is such a coward to do it all by e mail and not face to face you don't need him in your life. I agree you should not be living together. And unless he starts acting responsible he will do more harm to the child then good. Maybe he will becom a good dad but you need time apart to deal with your feelings and get over him. He needs to give you that. Sounds like he was taking advantage of you as a friend and knowing your feelings for him. If he didn't share them he NEVER should have slept with you. Don't ever be afraid to stand up for yourself!
  • Aeri wow its amazing how we are all scattered in diff places of the world. Yet older or younger we go trough the samething I'm 22 and went trough the something you are experiencing with but at 18, I say im with the lady earlier that said you are stronger than what you think, great choice not going trough abortion, as for your guy you don't need that negative vibe around you you found this site and we are here to help one another, and his sister I'm sorry I don't know how close you guys are but this is not her pregnancy yes we all need someone to talk but telling you you should put up with him is not a good advice especially if he hurts your feelings remember ur baby feels everything you feel... you'll be a great mom don't worry yourself men may make a baby but it is women who make the fam
  • I think the worst part is now he is going around telling people I'm delusional and I can't except that our relationship is over. That I'm acting like a school girl with a broken heart and I need to move past this and talk to him because he is the father. I really do not want to talk to him anymore. Especially with him putting my name through the mudd. I confided in a mutual friend and he used it against me. Horrible. I just want him out of my life and out of this pregnancy. I have enough friends and I want to be positive for my lil one.
  • Just a reminder...you're a role model for this kid. So stand up for yourself, and don't let that jerk walk all over you anymore.
    many people are single parents, and it sounds like you're a strong person! I believe you can do it!
  • Aeri.... you are a strong young woman and don't let him stress you out. Just think of all the extra love you now have to bestow upon the baby. As long as you have family, your not alone. If he wants to be immature let him. Hell regret his actions later. Screw him
  • Aeri.... you are a strong young woman and don't let him stress you out. Just think of all the extra love you now have to bestow upon the baby. As long as you have family, your not alone. If he wants to be immature let him. Hell regret his actions later. Screw him
  • Aeri..... Im going thur the samething rite now so I understand how it feels, but just think the day tht ur child is born will b one the best days off ur life. I tell myself everyday when I wake up tht it will b hard but every day it will get a little easyer and will cry a little less and soon the pain will just go away and ur luv for this kid will grow!!! Stay strong ull be a great mom, we r made to b great moms......
  • Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement. It means so much to me. The words of people I have never met, give me the strength that my partner just didn't. @firstmama I so hope he does regret his actions... one day I feel he will...but it sucks to have gone through it. @jessi_anne I hear ya... everyday I cry less, some days I don't cry...some I don't cry at all...
  • How far along is everyone? I have my 1st prenatal tomorrow...
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  • Aeri, I agree with these ladies. I have 7 weeks to go with my first and my advice to you is emerse yourself in the well being of your pregnancy. Enjoy this amazing experience and dump the toxic people around you. His sister has ulterior motives, she is his family. Get rid of those mutual links and friends you have and thrive without him. The best revenge is to live your life well!
  • @gabschillin wow, sounds like we are dealing with the exact same stuff. I'm sorry for u. Stay strong with me, we can do this!

    @amymae funny, I blacklisted the one 'friend' who was playing both sides and I text myself everyday to not contact his sister, him or the exfriend. My friends only...and of course all you fabulous ladies. Truth be told, I wish I had stopped talking to him when he first suggested the abortion...instead of trying to get him to stay. He is not worthy of my love! I find myself to be so much more at peace with him not here. Freeing really!
  • Ride that feeling. Sounds like you were given this gift because you are a kind person that deserves this joy in your life. He has not earned this gift, so he does not get the rewards.
  • Honey you have set it off on here. I'm sure you will make the best choice for. U and your child. Everyone can give you thier opinions about your situation but in the end no one lives it but u. Also in my experience even if the father is there the child will look to you as its everything. Enjoy this time it will be over in 7months
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  • @gabschillin I am hanging in there. Went to dr today. They did some bloodwork and test. Scheduled my ultrasound for the 24th and genetic testing. My girlfriend came with me. I am mostly I'm surrounding myself with positivity and positive people only. How are u doing? Have u heard from your ex? I hope u are staying strong and know you are doing the right thing! Stay positive! I wrote some angry letter and never sent them... helped me vent some anger. When do u go to dr?
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