New welfare bill passed....drug testing

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
A bill passed april 1st in florida stating that all welfare must pass a drug test....and pay for must pass it before you get any $$$ or not on welfare but I know a lot of fellow preglys are....what r your thoughts about the new bill???


  • edited April 2011
    I, personally wouldn't mind doing a drug test to receive benefits. I can see the logic. I just can't see having to pay for it. If you need help where would the money come from?
    I am not in Florida...
  • Interesting! But good thing I.guess.. Esp if ur pregg n gettn benefits.. If u have $$ to buy drugs u should have $$ for food for ur bby.. Is it juss a one time thing??
  • I agree with naliibby
  • Idk yearly maybe...i think they pay for the first one and you pay for it if u dont pass.... I think
  • I think it's great. I personally see all these people who are on assistance where I work and are always completely high. I personally don't have anything against pot but when you have the money you are spending on that (and other drugs) and not food or shelter there is a problem.
  • Agree with it
  • Why not drug test those who get a paycheck on fridays? I work with a ton of potheads..idk I find it insulting a little.
  • I dint mind, but mrs wainrught brings up a goid point... If u r needing assistance n the first place, how would u pay for the test?
  • This is true...... But its sad to say alot of welfare ppl are doing drugs or atleast in florida...
  • I recieve insurance through the state and I personally think its a great idea!! These states can save a lot of money by not supporting those who won't take care of themselves.
  • I think they pay for the first test and if u fail then u pay
  • That makes sense..I can see all points of view on this topic.
  • I think birth control is going too far, then u r violating personal rights. Dont get me wromg bc is a good idea, but making it mamfatory isnt right. Its a personal choice, like abortion.
  • The goverment pays the military and they get drug tested all the time :) its there way of giving money or jobs to ppl that arent on drugs
  • @Jaime77 how is it insulting? Just curious not being rude. I als' know plenty of people who smoke but aren't on assistance and they are (mostly all) productive members if society. I also know ones that do drugs and ARE on assistance but don't take care of what they need to. People are standing outside grocery stores here saying they'll pay for $100 in groceries for $40 cash. Then buying crack. I've seen all this first hand. I have no problem with getting assistance when people need it but when they aren't using it for what they are supposed to that's when it's a problem.
  • This something that they should do state wide
  • @kindell. That makes sense. Theres ways around drug tests though. It would b more effective if they used random ones.
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  • I don't think the test should be pad for out of pocket though.
  • @okmom I agree!! Esp here in california too
  • Jenn mentioned it.
  • Thats awesome! Its about time!
  • I was trying to put myself in a single moms shoes, trying to get help but first be told to pee in a cup because they assume I'm on drugs. I've never experienced first hand people on drugs scamming gov. But can totally understand your pov.
  • I think this is a great idea..... I saw a lady at the wic office the other day driving a new charger with 24 inch rims and a custom paint job.... And had on a lot of gold (teeth too) and a 200 dollar outfit..... Just wondering if u got money for that but are on wic????? Under the table money duh!!!! Which is prob DRUGS
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  • I was getting drug tested and finger printes every year at my job...n they took hair not goes back a year
  • @jenn same way here. I agree there def needs to b sime type of modification made to the system. I think they should push breastfeeding more too. I know its not for everyone, but if every one on welfare breastfed, the govt would save billions! Im sure there are plenty of other govt programs that could really use the funds!
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