Yes.... I have heard that it's awful. My mil said that she took castor oil to try and induce labor with her first child. Her stomach cramps were so bad...not only did she deal with all of the digestive issues but also it caused the baby to turn. She ended up having to deliver him breach. Granted... That was a long time ago but castor oil is never something I would try...
Lol I tried ot with my first bc I was overdue and willing to do anything to speed the process up...I had horrible stomach cramps but not contrations and endless trips to the I learned that the baby isn't going to come unless it wants to...don't rush it
Ya, my dr said DON"T DO IT! even if it did send you into labor, now your dealing with cramping and non stop pooing along with contractng!! Not a nice way to go lol
I tried it with my last pregnancy I was 38wks and 1 cm dilated. I took it around 7pm about 9 I was in the bathroom and by midnight I said it was time to go. Thank god the diarrhea stopped i didn't want to keep going at the hospital lol. They sure kept me and said I was in labor so I guess it worked or maybe it was just time...
I told a friend about it. She took it a few hours laters she was in labor. this was something my grandma told me worked. And I am preggo with my 1st I'm due in a few days . i tried it a couple days ago, n walked around the mall. I got nothing. But stupid braxton hicks. After I researched it some more n wandering y it may not have worked I found out. It will nt only make u poop but it can make the baby pass its first bowel movement in you, which is not to safe 4 baby