Testing... How soon did you

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
How soon did you test? Im due on 15th April & 'feel different' dont know if it'd be too soon to test today/tomorrow??


  • It might be too soon, but you could still try. I was due Nov. 18 and tested on the 20 :-) good luck
  • U can try some women have gotten an early reading. But don't get discouraged if it comes back neg, just wait until af is suppose to show then retest i had to wait almost 2wks after af was to show bc hormone level wasn't high enough yet
  • I'm due on the 11th praying it doesn't show I wouldn't test till at least the day after it won't always show up Ur better off waiting I hope it works out 4 u tho all the best x
  • If you test a few days early just don't get a cheap one. I did that and it said negative then did it a couple me days later with digital ones which said pregnant. I dug the other one out the bin and there was a pretty much invisible line so i guess if i had used a good one it would have showed. Good luck.
  • Well this one i tested1 day b4 my period and it was positive!!! ( i thouht i was a wk late..but keep doing the math and wasnt) I was shocked,but the dr told sometimes it can tell soon..weird, i know..but w/ my son, i took a test a wk later and it was positive.
    2nd time i was prego (m/c) i found out 3 days of being late.
    ::i used dollar tree pregnancy test::
  • Thanks lovelys :) i think im going to go for a digital test. Buy it today & not do it till next week... Oooohh its exciting :) xx
  • My first one showed up positive 4 days before af, and most tests say up to 5 days before so you should wait at least 1-2 more days... :)
  • I was like 5 or 6 weeks I jst tested three days after my missed period tho. :/
  • Use clearblue with first morning pee though. There the best and it's a relief to not have to consider foggy plus's or negatives lol. It tells u straight up pregnant or not pregnant.
  • I used a early response test a day before my period was due (with first morning urine) and got a negative. I tested the day it was due, with first morning urine, and got a very light bfp. It never showed early for me but everyone is different.
  • I used a generic early response on christmas evening (my period was due 12/29) and I got a very light positive. Then I got an ept digital the same night and took it right away and it was clearly positive.
  • I used a clear blue digital about 10 days before af due and got a positive was very surprised
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