Losing my baby

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Er told me today I was having a threatened miscarriage and put me on bed rest to see if the bleeding stops, but since I got home the bleeding is still light but theres some clots and cramping so I'm pretty sure I'm losing this baby .. We are so upset


  • I am so sorry :( I'm almost 9 wks and that is my biggest fear...how far are you?
  • I am so sorry to hear tht and my prayers are with u and your family.
  • Was thought to be 7 weeks but ultrasound only put me at 4w5d.with very low hormone levels .. This is devastating ... I just keep praying its not a miscarriage and everything will be ok ... But the clotting and cramping makes me think otherwise
  • Okay the er does not always know what they're talking about. A friend of mine was told she was having a threatening miscarriage and she did not..the dr said it was her just stretching. I bled when I was 17wks and they told me that my cervix was short and put me on "bed rest" luckily I had a dr appointment the next day n soon had an ultrasound showing that my cervix was not only NOT too short..but long. Its a good idea to stay on bed rest and take it easy until ur next ob appointment and double check before u get too upset...good luck :)
  • edited February 2011
    Did she have clotting with her bleeding
  • Did she have clotting with her bleeding
  • Good luck & stay strong
  • I was in the Er Sunday for bleeding, the Er doctor told me I was having a Threatened Miscarriage but my cervix was closed and everything looked fine, she said that me and the baby would be ok.... The next morning I went to my clinic and the doctor pulled up my bloodwork from the Er and told me that I had lost my baby early on... It doesn't make sense. I am now waiting for blood work to come back to see if my levels are dropping... I pray that there wrong. I know how u feel. I just wanna give up on everything.
  • Yeah none of this makes sense ... But the ultrasound DID verify a gestational structure so I didn't lose it yet
  • They haven't gave me an ultrasound. The doctor that said I lost my baby didn't even touch me. I'm prayin for you and your baby.
  • I'm so sorry that happened to you sweetie, I'm keeping my fingers crossed
  • I have had spotting since Sunday night. Went to the Dr. Monday they called my instance a threatening mc as well but that term just means its possible...they did an ultra sound n I was only 5 wks n 5 days when I thought I was 7 wks and 3 days based off my lmp but the baby had a heart beat and my Dr. Said sometimes women just bleed during early pregnancy but go on to have healthy babies! I know its hard I'm an emotional wreck just don't give up in your lil one yet :)
  • Write same thing happened, thought I was 7 weeks but ultrasound put me at 4w 5d ... Are you still bleeding
  • Yep unfortunately
  • Did you have any clots with your bleeding, because I'm not bleeding alot .. But the clots are scaring me
  • I've had clots, some say there normal.
  • I'm really not sure it kinda seems like it but they are about the size of the tip of a ball point pen. The same thing happened to my cousin and I talk with her daily to ease my mind she bled and cramped and the baby was past due when she had him. She even had a toilet bowl full of blood at 8 months and er said she was fine and she was! I'm not bleeding much either butdef. Enough! Are your clots very big? I have heard its normal as well ...ur in my prayers
  • Have them do your blood work again. I pray its not a miscarriage. Good luck hun.
  • Prayers for you & your fam!!!!! Keep us posted! Just take it very very easy!
  • They will continue to do bloodwork, that tells everything, if they drop then it is a mc. I've had two, cramping and bleeding. Wait until u do more bloodwork.....
  • Not big, mostly the size of a pumpkin seed .. I've had the same pad.on since noon.and it just now got to where there was actually blood on it I know tmi.but dont know how else to explain it
  • Yeah I know what u mean it takes a lot of tmi when u are worried about your baby. I seem to actually bleed the most when I pee. I have had one pad on today to and just have like a dime sized amount on it
  • Same here, mostly when I pee .. And I'm sure some of the bleeding is because they gave me an extensive internal ultrasound.
  • Im sorry, hoping for the best for you and your family.
  • Dey say when dey give yu an internal ultrasound yu may bleed fa a lil while. Dat happend to me w l my first pregnancy. I bled a lil but dat wuz from stretching.
  • I think we may just be those lucky ones that have bleeding during pregnancy because its been a few days and if we had a mc u would think we would have crazy pain and at least quarter sized clots..we must stay in touch since we have such similar stories...try to stay positive even though its hard :(
  • Mine just started today though
  • True but my cousin also had a mc before her son and she didn't even know she was preggo and she said it was a lot of blood all the sudden, huge clots, and pain to wear she couldn't stand up
  • You have certainly made me feel better thank you so much, trying to stay positive
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