has anyone gotten pregnant by having sex everyday

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I heard everyday was bad and every other day was better. I say it dosnt matter..what do u girls think?


  • I think it also doesn't matter the more sperm the more chances you have to get pregnant
  • Most DR's will suggest every other day. My husband and I baby danced every day once a day 9 days in a row. We were successful! This will be baby number 1. Everyday however may be stressfull to fit into a busy schedule. You don't wanna stress yourself. Or your partner. :)) Have fun trying. Also too often may effect partners sperm count a little and also how " strong" they are. Don't freak out if it takes a few months as well. Everyone is different. :):):) God bless!!!
  • Well I think I'm pregnant cause in January the bf and I had sex everyday literally. And on Feb 2nd I had a scant light pink discharge and a few hours after that it was a clear discharge with pinkish- maroonish streaks and that was it. It only lasted a for a few hours in a day It's Feb 3rd now and I only feel a bit nauseated and a little sore on the boobs. But my period is due somewhere towards the end of Feb.*sigh loooong story sorry lol.
  • edited February 2011
    Id wait & see.. not sure a test would tell you this soon! But my husband & I weren't planning for a baby, nor planning against it.. it was whatever happens, happens. We had sex every night too.. & he's in the marines so we just got to live together again in Oct.. needless to say, I had no period in November haha!
  • Well the thing is with that is if you have sex evryday he wouldn't have sperm it would just be pre ejaculation because it takes a day to build up in them so it is better if your trying to get preg evry other day or 2 is better.
  • with mommy3. I had symptoms as early as 7 days after ovulation. I took a hpt starting 10 dpo 12 dpo 16 dpo, day before my period due, day after period due and finally on 3 rd day late I got bfp. If you want to know the earlier, ask for a blood test. :) it can give accurate results at 3 weeks.
  • I had early symptoms, but never even thought about being pregnant. So I never even tried testing until I missed my period. & yes ma'am you're right, blood test aren't wrong (:
  • Positive home test at 2 week before my first missed period. 10 days to be exact. And studys show if dh watches porn it helps the swimmers!
  • I took my iud out on 10/26 & started to try that day I got pregnant in four days 2times a day & it worked tg! Now im 13wks pregnant with my third after 6yrs >:D< .........
  • With my first we'd had sex every day for a year and once we stopped using protection I had one period before I was pregnant.
  • My husband and I have have an amazing sex life. We have sex everyday. When we decided to have a child I got pregnant the first time/month. It all depends on your partners ability to produce sperm and your ability to accept it. Every person is different. We both went to the doctor to have everything checked out first. My husband's sperm count was the highest our doctor had ever seen. Good Luck!!!
  • we did with our first I tell my frien4s who have trouble conceiving every other day but fortunately/maybe not so fortunate our family is extremely fertile
  • My bf & I had sex every other day for months once we moved in together & now I am almost 12wks pregnant =) & it was a little over 3months ago that we moved in together. Hope that answers ur question.
  • It does depend on the person. Back when I had a sex drive and we would do the baby dance daily I never got pregnant. Then we averaged once a week and I got pregnant withiin a month. So who knows.
  • When my husband and I first started dating, we had sex at least 5 times a day everyday for like 2 months. We only used protection once. Oddly enough, I didn't get pregnant.
  • It does depend on the person. Back when I had a sex drive and we would do the baby dance daily I never got pregnant. Then we averaged once a week and I got pregnant withiin a month. So who knows.
  • I heard every other day is good :) you don't want to get bored lol! Also if you can figure out your high fertility days having sex during those days is a sure bet. Also if your partner drinks soy milk it increases estrogen so mine stopped for a couple months before we tried to conceive. Download the My Days app :) worked for me!
  • My husband and I have been trying for two years!!! And we have sex just about everyday,maybe if we would have chilled out a little bit lol it wouldn't have taken so long :) I dono,I'm no doctor
  • I would say we were successful by having sex two days before I ovulated and the day of. Fertilityfriend.com helped me with this by taking my basal temp...hope that helps
  • My husband and I had sex every day of the week when I was most fertile that way we wouldn't miss out on a good catch lol. I also 'basted' after we bd (put a pillow under my hips to keep my pelvis elevated for about 30-60mins) lol we were pretty aggressive to have a baby lol
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