So what do you ladies do for work?

edited April 2011 in Just for Fun
Just curious where everyone works, what you do? Also, how long are you taking for maternity leave? Anyone actually quitting their job to be a stay at home mom? That would be great but isn't really an option for us right now :( I work as a Hospice nurse. It's great but I have to be on call a lot and that sucks :( I just can't wait for baby, it will be so weird to not work for 3 months!


  • I run a small daycare out of my home.. I have someone I pay to come take care of the kids while I go to doc appts. We have talked and I will hire her full time for a couple months. Especially since my hubby will deploy after I have the baby.
  • i work at the bronx zoo my lil baby is going to b a lil giraffe wen she comes out lmaooo
  • Im a registered nurse. Im in the hosp on Bedrest eating up my maternity leave. Ill be here til I have her. Im 28 weeks. Guess ill be going back to work after I deliver.
  • I am a stay at home mommy of 2, and number 3 on the way.
  • I quit my job in Jan to stay home. im 26 weeks with my third. I do miss my paycheck but I also like stayin at home. :)
  • I work from home for an investment company that deals in realestate. I don't know how much time ill take off since I work from home and mainly work through emails.
  • I recently decided to be a stay at home mom. I'm currently a nurse, doing online courses to further my education while pregnant
  • @salsabia wow, that sucks! Hope your baby is safe and healthy though, but that's hard to have to blow all of your leave now before baby :( Best wishes for a safe pregnancy though :)
  • I work at a daycare... will be going back when she is 6 weeks... we can't afford for me to quit. And hubby and I plan to start college in the fall...
  • I'm a hairdresser. I love my job I get to make people instantly feel good. I plan on taking 6 to 8 weeks off after my little girl comes maybe coming in 1 or 2 days a week durring that time.
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  • I was an office mngr & fired at 35wks so ill be looking for a job right after the baby is born I hate being broke
  • @Fashion_Junky91 OMG I LOVE that you work at a zoo! I love animals. What do you do there? Something fun I hope!

    @mrs_wainright good luck with college this fall, that is exciting!
  • @lmelanson that is a good plan!
  • @baileygoose ima rides associate so i deal with all rides at the zoo but it dont stop there besides the animal hunt i want to get into helping wit animals....maybe not the lions and tigers they look a lil starved and i have extra meat on me lol
  • Work as a juvenile dention officer taking 3 months off. This is myfirst sp i'm hoping i'm strong enough to leave the baby to go back to work. Wish I was able tostay home.
  • I'm a respiratory therapists and I will b going back to work once baby number 2 is born being that my work is very flexible but husband is also currently in the navy
  • I'm a dog groomer from home. I'm having. A c cection so we will see probably a month off
  • I'm a Senior Support Worker and I run a house supervising 3 adults with learning disabilities to live as independently as possible. I've just started maternity leave and I'm taking 9 months off :-)
  • I'm a stay at home mom cuz I'm high risk. But I'm a RN with a phlebotomy degree and b4 that I was an us tech and medical assistant. But not going back anytime soon cuz I wanna be at home with my son who's due in Sept :)
  • I was a cheer coach.....hubby wants me home now until baby gets in kindergarten.
  • I work in the meat dept. At a grocery im like a butcher! Lol. Oh...and I will most likely go back to work after a week...maybe 2. I work full time hours but only considered part no paid leave for me.
  • I work in the oil and gas industry and love it! I am ttc again, but once im preggo again, I will take my 3 month leave and continue to work. =)
  • I'm a nurse/nutritionist/weight management consultant... I work for a pain management Dr, and I run his weight loss program.. after baby, I will be staying home.
  • Im a kindergarten teacher asst. Been at same school for 9years... I luv my job! Get paid during Summer while kids are out... so my bby is due June, so perfect timing to be hm with bby.
  • I'm a CNA at a nursing home. I work on every hall in our building. I love my residents, but the smell and backaches aren't so fun now that I'm expecting :)
  • I'm a stay @ home mom. I was told I couldn't have children. So when I found out I was having twins I had to quit. I was a cna I actually miss it alot but I love my children & being able to b home with them has been such a wonderful blessing. I don't miss out on anything. I hope it works out for those of y'all that want to stay home with ur children.
  • edited April 2011
    I'm a sous chef full time at a steak restaurant. I plan on working full time throughout my pregnancy as long as my health permits, and I'll be taking two or three weeks after baby comes.
  • Im a stay at home momma
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