things i hate hearing while pregnant...



  • @314babymama1120
    I hate that too! 'o really I had no idea my first child was a big deal' lol rite! Or I hate when they ask how ur feelin, 'oooh he wont quit growing' "oh honey, the baby isnt supposed to quit growing..." Well no shit! He has 3 months left! Im complaining bc it feels like hes rippin my sides apart! Excuse me, I needa puke again. 'again?' Yes, again.
  • @angieahrens
    How dare ppl suggest you give your baby away. I would flip like no other. im 22 and had a random idiot ask me if my parents approve and are supportive, ' um, yeah, so is my husband....' Wtf!!!! Grrrr. Ok. I think im done ventin ;)
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  • @angieface omggg i hate that too! anytime me and my boyfriend get in an argument, it's always "your hormones are crazy". ummm.. it's not my hormones, youre just being ridiculous and you're wrong! i hate when hormones get blamed!
  • edited April 2011
    "You look like your going to pop" ....really imagine walking around like this!
  • @angieahrens
    Just ignor thise ppl. Theyre tryin to get a reaction outta you. You are very capable and able to love your daughter, and raise her beautifully. And im positive you will. Its hard not to get bummed sometimes tho. Youre gonna be a momma, and a good mama. hang in there sweetie :) if u ever needa talk im here
  • I hate waddling around and people asking me what my plans are for the summer (we're in college) and I say well, my husband and I are expecting a baby and they go "You're pregnant!?" :|. Seriously? Granted I was a little bigger pre-pregnancy and I am only 26 weeks, but come on.
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  • LOL @praying4our3rd - That's hysterical. From SCRATCH!!! I love it! :-))
  • Ever since I've been prego i cannot stand anyman touching me except my husband! Like not even a hug from my brother or best friend! And anytime my hubs and i go out one of his douchebag smelly friends rubs my ****ing belly!!! It literally makes me so sick that i don't know weather to cold clock them in the face or vomit!! My hubs has had to set a few people straight! If a girlfriend of mine rubs my belly that's fine but if it has a d*ck and its name isn't Mr.Reust it had better steer clear of me and my baby belly!!! LMAO
  • I hate when people think they know everything because they've had a kid before you.
  • Lol can totally relate to morons that make ignorant comments! Made me smile thanks : )
  • People suck.

    I hate hearing,

    "You're so big!" Or "Your pregnant AGAIN?" FYI, my daughter is four..

    My dad told me when he found out I was pregnant, "I guess I should say congratulations. Right?" Smh.
  • I can't stand that either! That's all I hear! I thought it was just me being mean or easily annoyed. Haha. Like when I say I don't get much sleep "just wait until you give birth" when I say anything somebody always has to top me!
  • I hate hearing wow you're starting all over are you sure you remember what to do your going to have to learn all over again its not like taking care of your older 2. Really? You mean she won't pop out and do everything for herself like my 9 and 10 yr old amazing.

    Or I bet your kids are upset after all this time having to share u with a new baby well guess what my kids are beyond excited

    I plan on having my kids in the delivery room they asked if they could and they want to be apart of the birth. People keep telling my that I'm horrible to force my kids to be there for it when the kids beg to go
  • Ugh I hate telling people I'm pregnant. When I knew for sure I told all of my family, then I posted it on Facebook. Me & bf are so excited to have a baby of our own. Some people commented on my status & said "Good luck, you're gonna need it". Like, really? You cant even tell me congratulations. Some people are better off saying nothing at all
  • @clope18 - Wow! That's a really $hitty thing to say. :-S
  • "You look too big/little for # weeks" oh excuse me while I go inflate/deflate my stomach...seriously??? There's no set size for each week.
    "You shouldn't have morning sickness all day and as bad as you do" ohh I'm sorry you've never been pregnant so you really don't know that do you.
    No pregnancy is the same and people need to get over it.
  • What I hate the most is I am 38wks prego and everyone asks me when I'm due. The same freaking people ask me week to week. If you were really that interested then write it down!!

    Oh and the how are feeling. I have changed my reply to pregnant. Haha
  • Or when ppl wanna know something bout what ur plannin on doin w your l/d and then wanna question or critisize you for your decision. 'o darn, ill be sure to let you cut his cord, pick his name. ..' Bc your kids obviously turned out so flippin perfect.
  • I hate how everyone assumes I'm gonna eat like a pig just because I'm pregnant. I was working at a restaurant and we got to try a promo meal and everyone was like oh god everyone get a bite before megan sees it! Or statements like oh I know you're hungry! I'm pregnant, not a glutton...There's a baby in me, not a 300 lb man.
  • @Steeny I want to buy my husband a t-shirt I saw on cafe press that says "don't touch her belly" lol
  • I hate it when people tell me I wont be able to give birth naturally. Just because you can't handle any pain at all doesn't mean I can't do it.

    I also hate it when people give me weird looks when I waddle by to get to the bathroom. Yeah, I have facial piercings and a mohawk and I dress funky. Doesn't mean I'm some knocked up druggie teenager.
  • My mom constantly tells me there's something wrong w me &I look like I have toxoplasmosis cause I've gained weight face and according to her "thts not normal" !???
  • I really hate it when women tell u what u should or shouldn't be doing. That pisses me off. I call them the know it alls.
  • The worst I've had some one say to me
    Was when I was 6 months and was workin My last day of work ( dr wanted me on limited activity bcuz of PIH. ) I worked at a restaurant and one of the younger guys that worked there came up to me and asked if I had gotten any tips and I replied "well yeah... why are you asking?" And he said " just curious I figured ppl would tip you because they feel sorry for your baby"........ I was floored.... im 21 and I look at least my age if not older I keep a very clean appearance and was still very physically fit at that point and im 8 months now and still don't understand 1.) Why someone would ever say something like that or 2.) What about me said "feel sorry for me " me and my man are over the moon about this baby. Im very happy and very open about my happiness I just don't understand why ppl are so hatefull towards pregnant women.
    <3 33w4d <3
  • So this girl at my job says to me.."every skinny person I know that got pregnant..there babies died or they were really sick babies"
  • I hate to have my picture taken and I always get, "but you're pregnant!" Really, I didn't let people take my picture before but now that I'm pregnant that is supposed to change things?

    My husband's best friend told me that I would never make it through a natural birth because the baby was going to rip my p*s*y to shreds. First of all, how the heck would you know and secondly, don't use derogatory words to describe my body parts, as a matter of fact just don't talk about my body parts at all!

    Lastly, when I tell people I only have a few days until my due date and they freak out like the baby is just going to fall out on the floor in front of them and they can't believe I am out in public.
  • @snikta127 I was a server also up until last month and when I was about 5 months my coworkers who worked when they were pregnant were telling me how I'd get better tips now and this one girl chimed in "Oh well soon as they see she's not wearing a ring that tips out the window." I am engaged but of course people just think they know EVERYTHING.
  • I have my second baby on the way and am not married but both are from my same baby dad. People actually have the nerve to ask "is it from the same dad?!" How freakin rude is that!
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