I just quit about a month ago and its hard. Really hard. The biggest thing for me was to get away from other smokers and to refuse to buy the next pack. I also would go for a quick walk every time I wanted a cig. Its only really tough for the first 3 days and then it gets easier. You can definitely do it! Good luck!
I quit when I was pregnant with my now 1 year old... haven't smoked sense... I just decided that it was the last cig.... and walked away didn't take money with me I didn't need so I couldn't buy anything and didn't go around them for a long time.... every once in awhile when I see one or smell them the thought creeps back into my head but I remember how hard it was to quit and don't really have the time to waist on dealing with that and a baby... you can do it... best way is cold turkey...
When I crave a cig I just grab a sucker, eat some cashews, or go grab yogurt from the fridge.. and sometimes just chewing gum helps. Whatever small things you like.. just get one of them when you want a cig. And try cutting back slowly.. so be like okay 3 a day this week, 2 a day next week.. and so on.. don't quit completely if you've smoked for a good while, it can cause the baby to go into shock! Hope this helps!
For me every time I wanted a cigarette I would go into the bathroom and brush my teeth. Sounds weird I know but it worked.
I tried the gum thing, I know it works for alot of people but I ended up shovelling the whole pack into my mouth at once.
At work they would joke around with me about constantly brushing my teeth but once you tell people it's for a good reason, double good if your preggers, they tend to support you. Just get a travel sized tube of toothpaste and seal it in a plastic bag in your purse. A full sized tube is a pain to clean up after.
I quit 5 weeks ago. It was hard... but not as hard as I thought it would be. I'd say the biggest thing to make it "easy" (its still gonna be hard!!!) Is actually WANTING to quit. I have said a dozen times I was gonna quit... and lit up shortly after! Once you tell yourself you are going to quit and mean it.. you've won half the battle!!!! And for the hard times when you're craving one; brag on yourself to others! Their support will help u not light up : ) this worked for me.
I used sun flower seeds, suckers, jolly ranchers, and my Mother has been trging this new thing it looks like a cigg but its not and its suppose to make you hate ciggs she used to smoke a pack and a half a day and she's down to like 4 a day.
I wasn't pregnant when I quit, but I had a lot of success by dropping to one cigarette a day and only after 10:30 pm. At first I allowed myself 2 if I wanted, but after a week, only one. After 3 weeks, I would occasionally forget my daily cig. I did that for the month of December. I did smoke like a chimney on New Years, but I felt so sick on the first from it that it really helped to enforce the desire to stay strong and quit.
The passing desire when you see someone smoking or smell it does go away! I think it took about 2 years. But believe me, it will eventually disgust you to smell cigarettes. Or see someone smoking in their car with the windows up! Oh gross!
Put something else in ur mouth like peppermints or keep those lil dumdum lollipops in ur purse and suck on it when u feel the need to smoke. its hard really hard, but many mommies can do iit. Good luck!
I tried the gum thing, I know it works for alot of people but I ended up shovelling the whole pack into my mouth at once.
At work they would joke around with me about constantly brushing my teeth but once you tell people it's for a good reason, double good if your preggers, they tend to support you. Just get a travel sized tube of toothpaste and seal it in a plastic bag in your purse. A full sized tube is a pain to clean up after.
The passing desire when you see someone smoking or smell it does go away! I think it took about 2 years. But believe me, it will eventually disgust you to smell cigarettes. Or see someone smoking in their car with the windows up! Oh gross!