Could I be

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Could I b pregnant I mean I had sex 6days ago n I have a pregnant I have to go to da bathroom every min my side hurt my belly hurt real bad when I lay on it. So wat do u think?


  • I dont think so.. i dont believe preg symptoms shows that early. I know it takes a few days for the conception.. idk maybe. You never kno til you miss a period and a positive test lol. G/l
  • Lol aww but im prayn dat I am
  • Yeah sorry I've never heard of symptoms that around but u never no ;)
  • Way too soon to tell. Depends on your last periord and when you ovulated
  • My last periord was march 27
  • Its possible but its too soon to tell
  • How lng would I have to wait
  • do you have any pain when you urinate? Maybe its a UTI
  • No I dnt
  • You might be cause u usually ovulate 14 days after ur first day of ur lmp give or take a few days everyones different but its likely but u will never know I would take a test in 6 to 8 days if it comes out a bfn then try it the day after your missed period......
  • Im just gon wait until after I miss my period
  • I mean with me I didnt have any symptoms until I was 4 weeks I was walking thru the store full of energy n then it was like within a blink of a eye I was ready to pass out.....
  • I wake up wit a dry mouth n feeln sick but not 4 lng doe
  • I never had any symptoms and I took a test 4 days before my missed cyclewith first response and it was neg. Then I waited til I was a week late for my period and had a weird feeling so I took one and surprise I was prego! Then a week after that I started having symptoms... hope that helps! Good luck girly:)
  • Now I'm 10 weeks
  • Thank u hunni
  • I really want a baby so all I have to do ix wait n c
  • Its to early. It takes time for you to even get pregnant. The sperm & egg has to meet. That takes time.
    Another thing..sometimes if you want to be pregnant bad enough you can trick your body into having pregnancy symptoms. Trust me I know from experience.
  • Do you chart?
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Ok thank yall
  • Sounds like a bladder infection but hopefully it'll turn onto baby symptoms :)
  • iz not a bladder infection
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