How Do You American Mums Do It?!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I would be LOST without the NHS here in England man! Lol how do you mums deal with all the mayhem of insurance and god knows what! I have health insurance but the thought of not being able to see a doc coz I had bp insurance scares me man lol


  • I'm English and keep thinking exactly the same, its sounds so confusing! I think if I was over in america and got ill is just have to ride it out and hope for the best! Lol
  • @mums_the_word I think thats what many americans have to do when they get sick, faith in god is a necessity in america lol
  • Unless you are pregnant you don't get state insurance. Your kids get it depending on your income you might have to pay co- pay to the state insurance. I am originally from Germany and was confused as well.
  • We pay out of pocket for our own insurance and I have to say it seems a lot less confusing than seeing these posts about state aid etc. I know that all the docs in my area accept my insurance and I don't seem to have to many issues seeing the doctors I need to see.
  • I couldn't do it I live in ontario and we don't even have to worry about insurance or anything when it comes to our health care when my son was born and he spent 7 weeks in the nicu the drs told me it would have cost close to 1 million for his care for those 7 weeks my jaw hot the floor I thank god everyday that I'm canadian
  • I agree with @ veteranswife. You only get state insurane if you are under age 21 or are pregnant and its based on income. My state insurance is my secondary insurance. We have private insurance through my husbands work which we pay for every month.
  • We just go to the doctors and think nothing of it in England, I don't like going just cz I don't like doctors but really don't have to think twice about going :-/ x
  • I have anthem blue cross. I pay $32week from my check. It's a decent insurance, no copays but u must meet deductible first. Then they pay 80% of bill. I'm already seeing $$$high estimated costs for this pregnancy. I just pay a lil' @ a time until bill is paid in full.
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  • I hate united health care, they take $106 out of my paychecks, and when I go to the doc I have to pay like $140 out of pocket, my ob was considering dropping me as a patient cause I had to reschedule because I can't pay upfront, and when I asked what to do he said, apply for medicaid, I have insurance and I can't even go to the doctor....
  • Thank god we only have to pay for prescriptions in the uk only £7.40
  • @ahuyser: we used to have united healthcare and had to pay $167 a month but had to pay $40 copays each visit. We now have bluecross/blueshield and pay $267 a month but don't pay copays with my pregnancy. Everything is covered.
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  • Wow, yeah I work for Best Buy and we can only go through UHC, I'm so frustrated right now because the doctor is calling me irresponsible for rescheduling, but won't see me unless I pay upfront....
  • I'm on health care plan #1 and until I reach my $750.00 dollar deductable I have to pay out of pocket.
  • I'm waiting for my 90 day period to be over so I can be insured!! Luckily, I found a Dr that I pay $40 to every other week or so and he does ultrasounds and meds if needed. Until then, I'm on my own!
  • It's weird my copays are different, at every doctor visit im responsible for paying 20% of my visits so it can vary from $80 to $210 its ridiculous...
  • Wow man its mad.. I would hate it especially for my kids.. my eldest is ill a lot so I like the fact that I can phone up and make an appointment for that very same day and not think twice or be able to go to the hospital and be seen with no worrys (well apart from the million your wait) but I suppose if you pay then your the priority where as over here being English and living in England means nothing these days! Lol
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  • I've been on Medicaid all my life so I usually get crappy care. The good doctors offices don't like accepting Medicaid patients because it pays so poorly. At one office, we had to wait a month and a half to see the doctor. That was the soonest available appointment. My husband's job gives him bluecross for $200 a month and we have to copay. What I do is use my insurance and Medicaid pays the copay. That's what my baby will be on too.
  • My husband is self employed and we pay $1,400.00 a month for our blue cross health insurance, not cheap!! But then again neither are our medical bills!
  • I hear Ya. I'm in Canada also and am so grateful that I have my healthcare. Yes it still comes out of my taxes but at least I don't need money up front. Yay Canada. Lol
  • edited April 2011
    I have blue cross of texas. $40 copay, $500 deductible and they pay %80 of hosp bill. Thank god I also have medicaid that covers what blue cross doesn't. Im now on day 20 in the hospital on Bedrest. Ill be 29 weeks prego tomorrow. Could be in the hospital for months:-( I have $50 a month taken out of my paycheck for bluecross
  • I live in Tn and my husband works TDOT. They have different insurance policies than other people on the same kind of insurance.
  • If i have to go to the er or my regular doctor i would have to pay copays if i didn't have medicaid.
  • Man it all sounds so complicated! You poor guys there's no way I would wait over a month for an appointment or worry about wether I'm even insured or anything
  • I would love to have socialized medicine in our country. It would be cheaper and since the insurance companies here are so greedy I think there would be less corruption. It seems like every pregnancy I have no matter which policy/how good the policy is the cost is more and more expensive out of pocket and before taxes. :( we have honestly considered paying all our medical bills out of pocket instead of paying for insurance. I think we would actually save money. I know we would have for my pregnancy.
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