im having a boy and someone stole my name! !!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
ZIm 20 weeks just found out im having a son had a perfect name since my daughter was born 5 yrs ago and a friend of mine stole my name even the spelling! !!! what to do help? ???


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  • Use the name still. There's no law that says two kids can't have the same name lol :)
  • Thief!!!
    If you still love and want that your son that :) at least it's not a family member.
  • thats stinks! I say the heck with it, use it!!! lol
  • Ugh! My sister did the same thing. I told her my husband and I picked out Jenna Vaughn or Elaina Riley for a girl. I had a m/c so when she got pregnant she decided to use Jenna Elaine. I told her that was both the names I picked and of course she didn't remember our conversation. I didn't know if I would get pregnant again so I felt like I couldn't tell her not to use my names. I'm still using Elaina Riley if this baby is a girl. She doesn't like it much but she can suck it for all I care. All the names I picked have special meaning to me and have no value to her so I think that is why I was so upset.

    I say he is your baby so you name him exactly what you want and don't think twice about it.
  • Wat was the name ? N i agree use itanyway lol
  • @bluegrass_mommy "you couldnt of said it better"!! love it :) i think its cute though that yall are sisters and the cousins will have the same name.
  • Omg I would be so pissed.that person would not be my friend anymore.u could still use it though if it doesn't bother u.
  • Ugh I felt the same way!! I was having a boy (my son is a month) and 2wks b4 me my friend delivred I told her I was going to name my son Daniel Isaac and she named him that so I ended up naming him after his dad (just the first name though) Steven Jacob
  • Super hate that ! Gosh especially when they know that's what you wanted! If you still love it go with it. Never mind her and next time keep it to yourself so no one can steal it he he
  • my preg sis has informed me she hates the name if picked lol
  • The name is jaxon I love it and my partners surname is Pook x thanks for your comments my friend did apologise said she didn't know lol x
  • edited April 2011
    My ex step sister asked me on facebook a couple of months ago what i was naming my girl. I sent her a inbox and told Raegan but I didn't wana put it on facebook cause people steel names. She is 6 weeks behind me in pregnancy and announced she's naming her son Rogan. Its so similar to Raegan. Pissed me off.
  • @salabia I read "rogan" as "rogaine" (like the hair stuff). Don't feel too bad. @hazelengland, just use your name. It doesn't matter if they're named similarly! :)
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