Midwife vs. ObGyn

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
What do you guys think about either of the two? Pros/Cons. Im interested in using a midwife, but would like to hear some experiences from my fellow preglies : -)


  • Midwives spend more time with you and don't try to rush you through labor. At least in my experience the my midwife was a lot better than the obgyn.
  • edited April 2011
    @hurstk28 what kind of setting did u give birth in? Im looking into having a waterbirth...
  • I agree with @hurstk28 they spend more time and seem to b more caring but I prefer obgyn because they know a little more though I was upset when my midwife referred to an obgyn she was so kind but I am getting the best care for my situation
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  • Yea im very weary of having my labor interrupted and prolonged with unnecessary medical interventions... I have a consultation with a very likeable midwife tomorrow afternoon so hopefully all goes well.
  • I was in the hospital but it was one that you labor, deliver, and recover in the same room. Its also a big room like the size of a bedroom.
  • edited April 2011
    @hurstk28 that sounds amazing. I prefer the idea of comfort and im not looking towards a little hospital bed with a pull sheet between myself and the next lady...****
  • Yeah all the rooms are private. I couldn't do it any other way.
  • At my hospital all the rooms are private...l&d then the postpartum. They don't push meds on you either. I prefer the obgyn because of their schooling n training.
  • Obs r trained in the pathology of childbirth. So they r very important for high risk women. But midwives r trained in normal, healthy pregnancy and childbirth. They educate u and care for u, and most give u a choice of birthplace and birth plan. They usually r not confined by a hospitals routines and general policy, they work for u, not the hospital. Here in Canada, they also guarantee to be the one who attends ur birth, not a shift rotation or whoever is on call. Also, in Canada, there is a strict criteria u must meet to be considered low risk and otherwise must be referred to a physician. I feel my baby and I r Very lucky to be cared for my amazing midwife Debbie.
  • Midwives have schooling and training too and it is the same as the obgyn only difference is they are more compassionate in their training and are usually women that have experienced birth. You should watch the movie called "the business of being born" gives you great insight to hospital(obgyn) birth and home/birthing center(midwife) births. I'm seeing an obgyn now but am looking to switch to a midwife if possible (had slight complication in beginning of pregnancy). Reason I'm switching is because my obgyn wasnt even in town when I had my son so on call dr did it and I didnt like him or the rest of my experience at the hospital. Sorry so long of a post.
  • I had good experience with both. But I have to say in Germany you won't have a ob deliver your baby unless you have private or military insurance they just stand by incase of an emergency do the midwife does everything. I really would had a hard time to decide if I would have to decide between my midwife back than and my ob who delivered my last baby and hopefully this one as well.
  • How much do midwives charge? And are they trained to handle a twin pregnancy?
  • They charge the same as doctor or at least at the doctors office i go to they do. They are trained just like obgyns.
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  • @homebirthadvocate thank you, so I'm assuming they're not covered by insurance?
    I'm only 18 weeks with twins and my dr.already said that if both babies aren't head down he'll have to give me a cesarean :( I'm terrified of that especially that I also have a toddler to care for and no family to help..
  • my husband is indian and the clinic gave us a choice ob or midwife... we chose midwife so that she would b there through everything. so far we love her she spends plenty time with us. and calls me plenty just to chk on me. medicaid is paying for her and everything with pregnancy.
  • Thanks so much for this post. Now I know I'm going with a midwife but I want to have a waterbirth.
  • Ima use midwife but I'm first time mom.. so no expierience
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  • @homebirthadvocate Sounds good thank you very much, I will look into it :)
  • edited April 2011
    Call your insurance or check out your benefits online. If the insurance company really wants to save money, they'll accept midwives. And most insurance companies are only out to make money in the grand scheme of things. Midwives traditionally are less expensive than an OB.

    I love my midwife office. They rotate me on my appointments through the 3 midwives in the office, any of which will oversee my labor. it's still very much a professional, medical environment. The only time they have ever been rushed was when they squeezed me in last minute (literally. I called at 10 and they only had a 1030 available, I got there at 1045) on a day everyone was already double booked and they were closing in less than an hour. And they were still awesome and I didn't feel rushed until the end. And she still answered all of my questions with patience.

    I love my midwives.
  • Thanx for all the info @homebirthadvocate & everyone else. Y'all have helped me make my mind up definitively!! :-)
  • My midwife is covered under both of my insurances. She works at a hospital and works under an obgyn just in case the other doctor is needed for emergencies or preterm labor before 34 weeks.
  • OBs are trained surgeons who also do labor and delivery. A midwife is trained only in birth (typically natural childbirth) they would have to deffer to an OB for c sections. I love my midwife and would gave to be required to see an OB again for labor and delivery.
  • I saw a midwife for my first appointment and ig was awful. She couldn't find the heartbeat with doppler or the baby on u/s and told me I wasn't pregnant anymore...then she brought an ob in and he found baby and heartbeat in two seconds...I am a doctor gal all the way...but I am sure there are people who have bad experiences with doctors too...just make sure you are comfortable with whomever you choose!! :)
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