Having a newborn changes eveything but its amazing watching them grow. The first year goes by extreamly fast. My oldest daughter will be 3 in oct. Time flies by. For those of u having your second I don't really know what to say if ur like me u constantly worry about the oldest feeling left out. How do you deal with having that feeling?
I'm just courious, how did you girls tell your family, like especially your parents?...I'm not trying to judge by no means, considering I got preggnant at the age of 17, but I lost the baby due to a miscarriage....it was not a good thing by no means, telling my parents.....I'm now 22, and married, I have a beautiful daughter by a different man,then the first guy that I got pregnant by, and we are expecting our second baby, due may 19th.....I'm just curious, because when I was 17 and got pregnant, it was by a guy that I had been with for almost a year, and he was the very first guy I have ever had sex with....but if you would have only heatd what my parents said about me... .still to this day, they do not believe that I've only had sex with two guys ever, the guy that I first got pregnant by, and then my husband. Me and my husbad got together 6 months after I had my miscarriage, and have been together 5 years already, I couldn't be happier!