what is the littlest thing you cried over?

edited April 2011 in Just for Fun
So last night my bf wanted to take me to dinner. So I was putting on my pants ( they are that sweat kind but with the comfy fabric idk the name lol) I wanted to be comfy and plus I don't fit in my jeans anymore. So he says that's what your wearing I guess ill go ghetto then to. I was so sad and started crying because he said I looked ghetto when all I wanted was to be comfy. He apologized after but asks why I cry over simple things. He dont get hormones.


  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • I cried because my husband dropped my salsa from rhambi grill
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • When walmart wouldn't take a return of mine:(
  • I cried in the the check out lane at Trader Joes when they told me they discontinued a salad I really like from there.
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  • My baby daddy got mad at me because we lost in spades against his mom and her husband he said I sucked and I will never be on his team again I went in the bathroom and cried my eyes out
  • I cried because i couldn't find my comfortable spot when i went to bed one night. Pretty silly, but i was exhausted that night so it meant alot to me lol.
  • When I stubbed my toe on the leg of my table that hurt like a MOFO!! Iwas convinced I had broken it
  • I cried hysterically when my dog knocked over my coffee. I felt like such a ding dong after. Even my dog looked at me like I was crazy
  • I cried in the bath tub last night bc I accidentally splashed water on my face. When my husband asked what was wrong, I just cried more realizing how dumb I was for crying.
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  • I just cried hysterically because I put one of my husbands nalgene water bottles on the bottom rack of the dishwasher and it melted it. First we were both laughing about it and out of nowhere I started sobbing uncontrollably.
  • I just cried hysterically because I put one of my husbands nalgene water bottles on the bottom rack of the dishwasher and it melted it. First we were both laughing about it and out of nowhere I started sobbing uncontrollably.
  • Forgot to make rice to go with my hubbys pork chops. Cried like a little girl. I felt sooo bad.
  • I ran over a bird and cried all the way home, then tonight my baby girl called from biological moms and said she was the only kid in the 4th grade without a tie-dye school shirt. I cried and made hubby call the school to get her one.
  • Good to know im not the only one lol
    . I feel stupid for crying over half the things but I can't help it
  • When my boyfriend said he was working late and won't be home until later I was crying after we got off the phone :(
  • I cried in walmart because they only had my favorite orange juice in the half gallon and gallon sizes and not the 6 pack single size that I like. I got the gallon, but I get acid because I don't realize how much I'm drinking.
  • I cried because after a day of nausea and non-stop vomiting, I asked my husband to pick me up a shake on his way home. He called and said they are out and I started to cry. He, thankfully, said he'd try another place. I felt so bad, but thankful.
  • ....my kids spilled ther plates of food. Both of them managed to spill both ther plates...then walkd thru it...all over my carpet. I cried like a baby. My husband lookd at me like I was a idiot
  • edited April 2011
    I wanted some BBQ wings so bad & kfc has the best so i went to get sum &they said they dnt sale em anymore! I cried! I'm still upset about that.
  • I was cleaning my bathroom and my boyfriend comes in and wants to wrestle. I wanted to clean not be harrassed. so I screamed leave me alone and started crying like I just got the worse whoopingin my life. he
  • I cried watching a movie about baby tigers that got taken from their mom, i was crying so hard! Musta been a mix of hormones and motherly instinct!
  • Hahahaha let me start off by saying that the posts are funny. Its funny how hormones can mess us up. N e way, I was craving cheese potato cakes from claim jumpers so my husband and I went there for dinner. Whan the waitor came I was so excited b4 he could finish asking if we wanted a started I say "YES! Some cheese potato cakes" and he is like "oh sorry they have been take of the menu. My bottom lip started trembling and the waiter notice so he left pretty quick I then looked @ my husband and tears were pouring down my face. He was kindda laughing so I covered my face w the menu and then he was asking if I was ok trying to hold back his laughter. Needless to say I did not have a good time and I felt so dumb by crying over cheese potato cakes! But they were soooooooo freaking GOOD!!! :)
  • We went to the petstore to get a baby corn snake id been looking at. The lady told me that they wouldnt sell it to me if I didnt have all the supply I balled like a baby. My boyfriend felt so bad and was like babe its okay lets go look.at the other animals we can get something else lol! I kinda feel like an idiot for crying about it now.
  • I work at a daycarr and the other day one of my three year olds was like "mrs ashley you have a fat belly" ha I cried in the bathroom for five. Mins lol
  • Dead animals beside the road :'-(
  • I Just found out a girl I work with is pregnant too amd i cried bc she is farther than me
  • I cried over the fancy feast commercial where the guy proposes with a kitten. Oh and today saw a preview for the movie dolphin tale and totally cries in the movie theater at a kids movie. Lol
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