Roller Coasters!!!



  • LMBO y'all are soo sad!
  • and if u don't want kids maybe u should use protection!!!!
  • Im not one to judge but I think its a bit selfish && childish for you to want to put your child at risk. I can understand that its over whelming having a child and pregnant but thats the price we have to pay for our decisions. I find myself stuck home with my son alot and I appreciate it. There are many women out there who would give anything to have a child but cant. && here you are one of the lucky ones and you dont appreciate it to the point where you would put that child at risk for your own fun. If you dont like children maybe you should consider adoption and let someone else have the oportunity to be a parent since you hate it. Again no disrespect to you I just feel bad.
  • couldn't have said it better myself @jmask.
  • NoW ima bad mother cus I said if I find out my doc don't tells me no I will go okay
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  • Your stuck in highschoold bc all you came here was for drama. Grow the eff up already. my little sister was 15 and had a baby and yet she is a helllot smarter than you are when it comes to the care of her kid. Stop laughing bc you shouldnt be having any kids after reading ykur comments.
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  • We're sad because we are worried about a child that we don't even know ? You're weak and you clearly give in to pure pressure can't just have a good time walking around and laughing with your friends?? I can't wait to go to the amusement parks I love love love roller coasters but ya know what while I am sitting on the bench I will have a big smile on face....knowing that I am sitting out and watching everybody else have fun for the safety of my baby makes me feel good about myself...maybe you should try it...and now you're changing your storey because not one person has said anything positive towards you...I am sorry but you are mistaken you are the sad one dear
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  • When did I change my story????????? In beginning I said I will check w/ my doctor! Change my story for what????
  • Once again smh y'all just sad
  • I hate to look at it this way but shit like this makes me look at everything I am doing and it makes me give myself a pat on the back for trying so hard to give my child the best...because there are idiots like this out there who don't give a damn....
  • Ion need nobody to defend me! Lmao you think what you saying hurt me naw I'm not weak
  • Sweetie, I don't think they are calling you a bad mom over the roller coaster....but bc you went on about how much you've givin up.
  • Kudos to you!
  • edited April 2011
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  • Ugh yes in the posts befor that I said I was gonna check w/ my doc I kno what wrote
  • If cud copy & past again I wud to show yu
  • You posted this same topic at the beginning of the month and said you were going at 24wks? People gave you the same answer... why are you asking again? Smh... some peoples kids... :-<
  • Hi!!! I came cross your post and as a ob/gyn in training I highly advise you not to ride an rides while there. Not only are you putting your baby at risk but yourself. You could lose your life along with your baby. Theres many things that factor into it if you would like more details let me know. Also theres many long term forms of birth control such as the idu. Look into it. With one in place and condom usage (for protection against STD's etc.) you shouldnt have unwanted pregnancy. Good luck making the best choice.
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