yuck. just....yuck

edited April 2011 in First Trimester
So I am at the doctor, peeing in the cup...and I missed the cup and peed on my hand. And because I'm still in my first trimester, I proceeded to gag until I vomited because I had just peed on my hand! Awesome. This will be one of those things I'll laugh about later...but for now....yuck.


  • Haha. I'm always very careful and pee slowly cause I'm scared ill get it on myself
  • My doctor's office has gloves in the bathroom.
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  • I missed the cup but it just made me laugh.
  • I hate peeing in a cup. I have a hard time not missing. I don't even like touching the cup once it's warm with urine!
  • That happened to me at planned parenthood when I took my first STD test when I was 15 (forgot to ask bf if he had anything before we did it, so I decided to be safe than sorry). I had never peed in a cup and didn't know how much they needed, so I just kept peeing and it overflowed all over my hand :( Grodie! That's one of the times in my life that I decided having a penis might not be so bad.
  • Im sorry i just had a great laugh at these stories. Oh the joys of pregnancy!
  • :0&
    LOL,you'll laugh later. sounds like something my BD BF would do. he gags at everything,he is already freaking about poopy diapers
  • I had to do a culture test for hypertension which was peeing in a jug for 24 hours and keeping it in the fridge gross.... I missed the bottle almost everytime I had washed is with clorox wipes and every disinfectant I own lol
  • Oh crap I have my appointment right after work and my cup full of pee is sitting on my coffee table I forgot to grab it! I only put it down for a second to grab my laptop.
  • Lol I heard somewhere that your own urine is very very clean, you can even drink it with no problems. I have no idea if thats really true, but it was enough to not make me worry about touching my own pee. Other peoples though... :0& yuck!
  • Lol, that sucks! :)
  • my Dr's offices cups has a funnel oil but I a price now (:
  • @firsttimemommytobe yea after doing it for 9 months strate you become a professional at it ! my boyfriend laughed at me the first time i had to do it cause i too missed the cup and peed on my hand and started crying ! he laughed so hard which then made me cry even harder cause he was laughing at me , now when we go to the doctor he always says ok pro dont miss the cup ! lol . how are you ?
  • edited April 2011
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  • Lmao! Funny mental picture! Totally off topic but my bfs cousin was super wasted one night, he farted and when he smelled his fart he puked! Lol
  • @firsttimemommytobe im alright . going thru a lot right now with the bf , but other then that im ok . just ready to get this baby outta me ! 9 more weeks to go and its taking forever . how far are you ?
  • @MerandaGarcia I am so glad when I had to do that jug thing it was the beginning of winter. Kept it on the patio!
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  • @firsttimemommytobe thanks me to . and yeah im cant wait to hold her and see her . from what we saw on the u/s she looked excatly like her daddy . so thats a good thing . :)
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  • @firsttimemommytobe im 19 and this is my second . i had to give my first baby up for adoption . not by decision .
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  • @firsttimemommytobe its ok . and yeah it was . but is this your first and how old are you ?
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  • @firsttimemommytobe awe ! dont be nervous ! be more excited then nervous . youll realize theres nothing to be nervous about . once you get to the hospital youll feel more anxious then anything .
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  • @firsttimemommytobe born and raised in cleveland ohio . you ? im telling you get an epidurel its worth it ! it worked for me .
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  • I miss all the time ...smh not a straight peeer
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