can u get morning sikness if ur baby lost the heart beat n u didnt know for days??

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Please help me with my question :/


  • edited April 2011
    Yes, I'm pretty sure you can. I think you could still have pregnancy symptoms until your hcg returns to less than 5. Is this confirmed or are you suspicious?
  • I'm suspicious but scared :(
  • You should go to the emergency room
  • I had a check up some weeks ago ...
    Waiting on my insurance to kik in cause of no money n I feel like I can hear a heart beat but not sure. I still get all the sickness tho
  • I still had morning sickness after my sons heart stopped. But I turned grey one day. I've seen other women who've miscarried and their skin turned grey too.
  • Yeah, cuz with missed miscarriages your body might not know anything is wrong so your hgc levels will slowly go out and morning sickness is duw to your hgc so yeah
  • but does anyone know a exercise or something were u can check yourself ? Can a pregnancy test help may show the change of ur hcg?
  • Can you go to the er and just have them bill you? I would pay just for the peace of mind.
  • You can go to the ER and when you get your insurance write that info on,the bill, insurance should cover 3 to 6 months before you were covered. Good luck
  • Im sorry that you are feeling this must be scary to be in your situation. How far a long are you? A urine pregnancy test will remain positive until your hcg levels fall below the number that the pregnancy test screens for. Blood Hcg levels will show s drop in hcg level, but a normal decline does occur around week 13. The only way to no for sure is with an ultrasound. A doppler may or may not puck up a heart beat, but it is never a good way to know for sure...ultrasound is the best way to go. Maybe call ur OB and see if they could give u s discount in one it if they know of anywhere that will do them at little to no cost. Best of luck!
  • Im sorry hun. I know the feeling. I had the same fear until I rented a fetal doppler. Now being able to hear the hb gives me peace if mind.
  • Thank you guys ...
    Well the er it is I'm going in as soon as my husband gets home i didnt know the insurance would cover 3-6 mths but I'm so scared :( never lost a bby n if this is the case I will b devastated :(
  • Good luck and prayers to you!
  • @mimibrowneyez36
    Were can u rent them?
  • Some sonography schools will do sonos cheap for the students to practice
    How far are you?
  • 11 wks but just found out at 8 wks the Dr said she didn't know if a miscarriage was occurring since there was no blood only cramps n pain:/ so she send me home but stayed with a ugly though" what if the bbys heart stops n I dnt know":(
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  • edited April 2011
    Rent a doppler hun. Its well worth the $. Im 11 weeks & it my lifesaver.
  • If you buy one..make sure its at least 3mhz! Not one like at Walmart..they dint pick up til like 5 months.
  • edited April 2011
    thank you I'm definitely look in to it :)
  • What does the 3mhz mean?
  • Its megahertz I think..but its basically a measurement of how strong it is. Some of them are 2 mhz or less. 3 is better for early pregnancy.
  • O ok thank you :)
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  • Yup I got one of eBay to.
  • I'm going yo try b get it asap :) tanx
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