Bad News

edited April 2011 in Second Trimester
We went to see the genetic counselor today to get checked out for Downs and the ultrasound indicated something else - an encephalocele. The prognosis is horrible. I have a follow up appointment next Wednesday but the doctor is not optimistic, and I don't want to get my hopes up. If this is confirmed we will terminate. I wanted to thank you all so much for your support and the entertainment you have provided to me the past 2 months. Good luck to you all and my best wishes for happy, healthy babies.


  • Sorry to hear that...if u don't mind me asking what does it mean when they find that and how far are u
  • What is an encenphalocele? If u dont mind me asking? Sorry to hear ur sad tale. Hope everything goes better next time...
  • I'm 13w4d. It means the cranium didn't close properly and the brain is growing outside the body.
  • I'm sorry honey! I know those feelings your going through. My son Brandon had an ntd, we ctt and had 53 precious hrs with him before he passed. I hope u have a better prognosis next week!
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  • Im so sorry hun! That is a devastating thing to hear. Praying to god the doctor was wrong and wishing the very best for you and your little one! >:D<
  • Oh my! Im so so sorry to hear this! Bit do u have to have it aborted? I mean is there a chance after some surgery the baby could b ok?
  • Oh no hugs
  • Only 20% of babies with this deformity come to term. Only half of those survive past infancy, and of those, the ones that do survive have little or no brain function. The best chance of survival is for those with the deformity on the front (face). Our little one has it on the back (worst chance). Unless there was some huge mistake today, our only option is termination.
  • I'm so sorry to hear this hope is a mistake. From the Dr and its better news next visit my prayers are for baby
  • If its true with one doc, I would get a another opinion just to make sure, I'm so sorry this happened. Stay strong mama!
  • im sorry to hear about this.. i hope the dr is wrong..
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  • @cherylrw im sorry mamma...i seriously pray this was a mistake, and they tell u otherwise on ur nextt follow prayers r with u, baby, and fam...
  • I'm praying for you and your family.
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  • This is so sad...i will keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers.
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  • Oh that is so sad, you will definitely be in my prayers.
  • I'm so sorry. I can't imagine the stress you must feel. I hope your next appointment brings good news :) try and remain positive.
  • So sorry to hear that prayers r with u
  • don't receive nor claim it; idk your religion but God has the final say so! praying that the victory is yours & your little one is perfectly normal or near it! be blessed & speak things that are not as if they are momma! there is power in the tongue.. update us!
  • So sorry that you have to go through that. Prayin for you.
  • Hope that's not the case...... Praying for you and your little angel
  • Tears... were here for u
  • I hope its not true. Im sorry to hear it neways. I will pray for ur family nd ur lil bundle
  • edited May 2011
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  • @cherylrw I will be praying for you and your baby... It starts with believing that the devil cant take your baby. Jesus will always cover and protect whats his. They told me all types of things about my baby. They said she would have down syndrome, heart problems,(because she has a spot on her heart), they thought she had spina bifida. They thought she wasn't going to make it. And the doctor told me to get an abortion when they thought she was going to have sickle cell anemia. So I switched doctors. But the point is trust in Jesus, I did... And my baby is fine. I deliver in 6 weeks. Keep us posted! God Bless
  • I sorry to hear that hun. stay strong. things happen for a reason. .
  • I'm so sorry. I really hope they were wrong. Praying for you and your family.
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