Whose a first time mom & how old r u?



  • First baby, just turn 19 last month having a lil boy found out last week so happy cuz I really wanted a boy nd so did my bf... due oct 5 =)
  • Me (: 22 and 18 weeks & 1 day.
  • I will be I am 22 n due in Aug
  • Im a first time mom. 17wks & 1day due 10/4.. Im 20 years old & so nervous, yet excited
  • this is my first and i'll be 26 in nov. the baby will be a late b-day present for me :D.
    i tried for 4 years to concieve w/ my ex husband... the doctors told me that due to my PCOS i had a very slim chance of ever concieving... well, i left him (he was controlling and emotionally abusive) back in october, for a man who i fell deeply in love with and has treated me like a princess. We concieved, we're guessing, in febuary. guess it was the higher up's way of telling me i wasn't meant to have that butthead's child.
  • @novbaby finally another end of nov mommy to be!
  • I'm 12 weeks today!....22yrs old...and this is my first baby
  • Oh I'm due nov 10
  • 27 first time mom preggo with a bouncing baby boy I ttc in the past for about 5 or more years never worked I accidently on purpose got preggo with my son
  • I'm due December 2nd(: and its my first baby and I'm 17.
    I need some suggestions for boy names, cuz I think it will be a boy..:/
  • Preggointx, it took u about five yrs like me :) we were trying tho. But congrats

    Congrats ladies
  • 27 years old, 21 weeks today...
  • I'm 20 and in 22 weeks wit first bby &nd it's a GIRL!
  • im 19 weeks and 3 days im 23 yrs young and on monday hopefully ill find out the sex of my lil jellybean
  • I'm 17 ill be 18 May 22 :/ guess I'm one of the youngest , this will be my first child , Ive been with the babies dad for almost 3 years so I'm not ashamed
  • Oh and I'm 13 weeks 1day
  • Im 22 an 22w2d preggo.
  • @december_mommy I'm due November 3rd and this whole pregnancy I've felt its a boy to but I can only come up with one boy name but a million girl names my mom thinks the same thing that its a boy but I think its because she has 5 grand daughters and 1 grandson lol
  • I'm 18 will be 19 before baby comes. This is my first and I'm due oct. 10 :)
  • I'm 19 I'll be 20 next month & I am a firsr time mommy to be :) I'm 6 weeks & 3 days. I'm due december 20th. Can't wait!
  • I am 25 will be 26 in June and I am 13 weeks & 2 days! Very excited and anxious. I really can't wait til my 20 week appointment so i can find out what the sex of my baby is
  • 1sttim3mommy thats one of the best part of pregnancy when u find out the sex n feel them kicks :) congrats
  • I am 18 years young (: turning 19 in may. and this is my first. I am almost 16 weeks.
  • I'll be 20 August 20th, im 34 weeks & 5 days. Due June 5th with my first.
  • I'm 18. Will be 19 on may 3. Expecting a baby boy 8/22/11.
  • I'm 30 n this is my 1st pregnancy =) we have been trying for 2 yrs but I have hypothyroidism but my lvls r normal now n were pregnant now! =)
  • 22 yrs old first time mom due 9/11 with baby girl
  • I'm 24 and it's our honeymoon baby! Due november 28th :)
  • edited April 2011
    Im prego with mi first an I'm 20. Ill b 31 weeks Monday an I'm havin a lil boi, jeffery maurice
  • I am a first time mommy due October 30th. I am 14 weeks. Find out June 6th what we are having. Boy= Damein Michael Mendoza girl= Kallee Jade Mendoza :">
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