I always have weird crazy dreams for my first pregnancy I dream a little toddler boy on floor bleeding from his head I kneeled beside him to cradle him idk but I had a boy so this pregnancy I dreamed of two boys a little older then toddlers crying for me and I was in strange environment weird LOL I hope I'm having boy
Im totally sure im having a boy, iv actually convince everyone is a boy altho I dont mind but the dad really wants a boy so I think iv got his hopes up too high oops! I find out next week if they say girl im gonna be like "huh how did that happen" haha
@TalulaBell I'm gonna react the same way if it's a boy!! Lol. I gave a few more weeks though!! Post back on here if you get a chance to when you find out!! Good luck on getting a boy!!
Haha im happy either way just iv accidently got everyone thinkin its a boy coz im so sure. I can't wait to find out it feels like iv been waiting 8 months not 8 weeks! When u due x
With my first 3 I was wrong with all of them lol I think this one is a boy but my 3 year old daughter insists it can only be a girl. We will be happy either way :-)
I'm 7weeks, my mama said I'm having a girl, I want a girl but keep feeling that by me wanting a girl so bad that I'm gonna have a boy! My mama called both of my sister's babies genders twice and she was correct, I hope her batting average stays perfect! But mostly I want a healthy baby, will thank God for whatever! #SecretlyWantTwins
I find out april 11th, and my sons told me they're only excited and happy as long as they get a sister. If it's a boy, they don't want it. With my boys I desperately wanted a girl each time, though I had the feeling they were boys. This time, the more I think about what having a girl entails, the more I think I was made to be a mother to boys. So it's probably a girl, lol.
@magcaw I just have bots. My oldest told me to trade at the doctors office for a girl! He also said that the doctor did a mistake but is now out of baby girls. So I am still hoping that the u/s was wrong
Last time I knew it was going to be a girl and it was! This time, no idea. I have 2 friends who swore theirs were girls everytime though and they have 5 boys between them. They also both cried at their ultrasounds, because it felt like they had lost the baby they were planning for.
I love the ideas they come up with @veteranswife! I found out on Monday that I'm having another boy, but one of my best friends is having a little girl. My 4 year old told me that "he and laura are going to switch baby's so that he can have his baby sister."
@almost4 Awesome good luck! Thats exciting. I'm not even pregnant yet and I just want to hit 20w lol! Have you every thought of doing the cake surprise? I just read about it on here. You have the ultrasound tech call your baker and tell them to put pink or blue dye in the cake then make a party out of it and everyone finds out together! Lol I think its cute I might do it when the time comes.... as long as the party is immediately following the ultrasound!
So yesterday it was confirmed that my due date will be October 1st. She measured right on time!! So we will be going with that instead if September 23. Glad we got that figured out! ! It's been changed soooo many times now. Lol.
Yay!!!!! Congrats mama!!! My instinct is always wrong on gender... but I do usually have one very telling, very vivid dream in the first few weeks that is right on... i just need to learn to listen to it! We find out next weekend and I can't wait!
When I first found out I was pregnant, I thought it was a boy, then after the first u/s I was convinced that it was a girl, I was ready to stat buying stuff, and I was having dreams that we were having a girl.....then we went for our anatomy scan and it was a boy! So dreams didn't really mean anything for me. I could have cared less what we have, I just want a healthy baby, so I was fine either way.
We find out May 6th too!!! Can't get here soon enough!!! My hubby graduates that day so both our families will be together and we're gonna hand out envelopes after ceremony and only one will have answer so they all find out at same time together! We'll know for Mother's Day!!!
He also said that the doctor did a mistake but is now out of baby girls. So I am still hoping that the u/s was wrong