BM/BD Age Differences



  • Im almost 22 and he just turned 20 in jan...he acts like he is the bby instead of the actual one in my tummy
  • I'm 18 and he's 25 he will be 26 in June. We really work well together so I think everything will be smooth sailing in raising our daughter
  • Im 20 and he's going to be 25 this year....we think pretty much the same way about parenting, lol....
  • My husband is 52 and I am 39 (tomorrow I will be, anyway). We have very similar views on parenting, but that is something we discussed before we got married.
  • Im 32 hubby is 50. 18 years diffrents but sure that we'll be able to figure out anything parenting wise together.
  • My BD has never had kids. He has never really been around kids except for my 3yo. He's never changed a baby. Im a lil scared. He's kinda baby stupid. He doesn't even know how to hold a baby. He's 40. I had more experience at 13 with babies than has now. I took care of my uncles newborn while he work cause the mother was a crack head. This baby was truely a crack baby and cried nonstop. This was when I was 13. I have patience for babies. Still yet to figure out if he does. Im 20.
  • My boyfriend is 33 and I will be 23 in July. He already has a 5 yr old and he is an awesome dad. I know we are going to have different parenting styles because we grew up differently.
  • My bd an I are 17 yrs apart. And I no for a fact we look at parenting different. But what can u do? I guess just try and make it lol
  • I'm 2 years older than my bd...he's immature but I love him to pieces
  • Me nd my sons dad r a yr apart but me nd nt current bf he has me by 6yrs. We don't c eye to eye on everything but sum things r interesting wit us.
  • Me and my husband is 2weeks apart him being older and we don't have any parenting issues
  • My bd is a 40yr old pain in my butt
  • I'm 19 and my husband is 39. He tells every guy who will listen XD We agree on parenting and we're best friends, so I think everything will work out fine. He's got 3 kids from 2 previous relationships and they've all turned out great. Oddly enough, his oldest daughter is a few months older than me!
  • @victoriab im 20 and bd is 40. 20yr diff here like you. But he has no kids and no baby experience. :-(
  • That might be tough... My best advice would be talk about things before they come up when you think about them (spanking, daycare, etc) and when little things come up, just talk about them then and there. Communication is very important.
  • Me and my bf are exactly six months apart
  • my hubby will be 20 this July and I turned 18 in January.. I love it we agree on most everything but for some reason I suck at discipline.. he is trying to be patient and teach me lol. but we work together well I think (:
  • I'm 17 and my bd is 22 so were 5 years apart we definitely dnt parent the same this is my first bby but this Is his forth I see his way in raising his three kids and I dnt like it so I know we wont see eye to eye :'(
  • edited May 2011
    Even though were only like 1.5yrs apart him being older we still don't have the same views also he never been around a baby or any thing were has i have 2 young siblings that i have helped take case of :) also his family quite stuck up and mines pretty chilled out and when we was old enough we had to do a couple of chores for our money were has he never i to and i totally respect my mum but he shouts and swears at his so I'm dreading it!
  • My mom and dad are 18 years apart. But they did ok... he was 5 years younger than his mil.
    I'm 5 years older than hubby - but we raised a great kid!
  • Im 16 turning 17 in june and he just turnd 23 we think the same about parenting
  • My husband and I are 6 mo apart. We are going to take a class called bringing home baby. It is designed to help with people who have diffrent parenting styles. We think we agree on most things but it is better safe then sorry. I also heard the first year after having a child is the hardest on a relationship. I want are to be as compatable as possable.
  • Im 18, hes 21 & already has a son. I know his parenting is alot different then mine is so I hope this doesnt effect me and him tok much. Hes just more of the friend and im sorry but im not gonna be like that, its almost like his 3 yr old runs him cause hes too scared to dissaplin him
  • Im 21 my bd is 28 i think we r gonna have some disagreements cause he's mire up tight n im more layed back. He believes in spanking...i don't.
  • Me and my bd are only 14 months apart but my mom and stepdad were 11 and they had the same views on everything
  • I'm 26 him 43 yes it might cause some friction in addition to the fact that I'm not American so there's the cultural difference too
  • We are 7 months apart I'm 32 and he's 31 in july he turns 32 I turn 33 in dec. We were raised differently so I think our life experancies make more of a difference than our age
  • Im 20 and my bd is 31 we have an excellent relationship and he has a child i take care of now...he is a wonderful father but it is true that women mature faster then men ...i have tremind him that he is older then his due in june with his first daughter which is supposed to be on his birthday ..
  • @angieface whew! I'm not the only one LOL I'm 34 and hubby is 27..he's done the math and we are 6year9months and 6 days apart lol sometimes an old song will come on and he'll say oh I was in whatever grade and ill think oh god I was out in the bars heehee we have our bumps but for the most part we're on the same page and we work hard at showing that to the kids even if we disagree,we do it but not in front of them
  • I am 21 and my boyfriend is almost 25. We seem to have pretty similar parenting styles except for he is a lil more stern and almost military like and I am a lil more relaxed and want our kids to be who ever they want to be. We grew up in different worlds pretty much so I think that has a pretty big effect on things.
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