countin down til labor how bout u?



  • 15 days for me but I have a feeling I'm gonna be overdue! :(
  • 2 more wks...hoping I go in labour this week
  • 75 days....wish I was as close as most of u ladies but ill get there someday lol
  • Can u buy the raspberry tea leaf stuff at a super Walmart or something? Is it like a tea bag kinda thing?
  • You can get Raspberry leaf capsules aswell. The tea tastes horrible and apparently only really makes a difference if you have it from about 28 weeks. It makes braxton hicks stronger so that your body is well practiced by the time it happens for real but all the ladies I know who have tried it said it didn't make a difference. My best friend had it everyday from week 28 n she was still 2 weeks overdue.
  • 30 days!!! I'm starting rasppberry tea and evening primrose oil in 1 day!!
  • 26 days here sign of any think ... except losing plug 3 weeks ago an can bearly walk
  • 39 days....
    Counting each day. Almost every
  • 10days left!! :O I'm so ready for this boy to be out lol
  • 8 days left for me but I have a feeling she's gonna be stubborn and come out would be just my luck...I'm going nuts with nesting and trying to walk as much as possible...I just need something to take my mind off it for a bit lol
  • 75 days left for us
  • 46 days to til my due date. Counting down the days, hours :). Hoping he anytime afer 37 weeks. But by 40 cause I can't imagine carrying him after that. I'm already uncomfortable and his kicks in my ribs are painful. Also he has dropped some so I hear that is good sign.
  • 5 days! False labor last week.. boo
  • 28 days... hoping for less
  • 51 days left waaaaahoooooo :*
  • 30 more to go :X
  • 6 days, but they might strip my membranes tomorrow!!!!
  • @babygeesmama2b wow I have 6 days and just went in 2 days ago for a leak in my sac, 3 cm dialated and contracting every 2min to be sent home! Cause the leak sealed itself and I wasn't progressing!!! Sounds a lot like you! Let me know when your bundle of joy gets here!
  • edited May 2011
    :O @ammasmama you are dilated and were leaking and then got sent home?! Smh id be one angry mommy lol looking down saying hey its about time.. that's no fun.. I was checked a week ago and absolutely nothing.. lame.. I'll keep you posted for sure and you do the same!!
  • 65 days to go!
  • 41 days! It can't get here soon enough. I told my husband he should realize how uncomfortable some of us pregos are if we're all counting the days until we experience the worst pain of our lives.
  • 25 more days :-)
  • 38!!!!!!
  • 2 weeks but hoping for earlier
  • @Babygeezmama2b yep talk about shattering all your hopes of having baby! She was actually kinda scared to send me home cause with 2 of my babies once I was 4cm it only took 15 minutes to 10cm, and I live 45 minutes from the hospital. But I decided that if they werent going to do anything and I wasnt progressing I might as well go sleep in my own bed!
  • I have 25 days left!!! Im super duper excited hopefully i will see her sooner :)
  • @ammasmama 15 mins you lucky chicky! And hey you can always opt for homebirth :)
  • 21 days. :D
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