smoking 24 weeks

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I am 24 weeks pregnant and smoke 5 cigarettes a day and feel so guilty and like a bad mother... i am having such a hard time quitting especially since everyone around me smokes...i begged my husband to stop and he doesnt even though he says he will try...i even have bad dreams that something will be wrong with the baby because of me.... any good advice on what to do to replace my addiction with cigarettes?


  • Well I wasn't pregnant when I smoked but I did in the past lol (many moons. Ago) lol but I just stopped by not being around ppl who snoke and getting away when ppl were going to take a ciggarette br2ak its crazy it was so hard for me but I did it! Best wishes to u.
  • I can't tell you how to stop, other then maybe ask your doctor and see if they can help you in anyway. Most important though is don't beat yourself up over it, there are tons of people who do alot worse and there babies turn out fine, just keep trying to do the best you can
  • I smoked thru my whole pregnancy and my son was 100% healthy! I just cut back like smoke half now and half later I was down to 1 pack a week.. I don't plan on quiting with this pregnancy either because I would not only be a pregnant hormonal bitch but I would be a pregnant hormonal bitch with no nicotine! And that's super bad for everyone around me. Like I told another girl it only cuts off slight oxygen in the blood fir less than 15 mins while you're smoking. So in all honesty if you cut back you will be fine. I had dreams like that too but your baby will be fine!
  • Wow...only slightly? Well in that case let's all just light up...let's also drink alcohol cause it only slightly causes retardation. And because one baby was healthy I guess that means hundreds and thousands of doctors and scientists are wrong about tobacco being wrong...go figure. Cutting back is good...don't get me wrong...but its not ok to encourage continueing. Especially when justifying it based on one "good" experience. Quitting is possible...I did it. It's a CHOICE...and the best one u can make for u and ur baby.
  • 100% agree with @sunshine25. It is good to cut back but if putting your baby's health at risk isn't enough motivation for you to quit its sad to say there probably isn't anything that can get you to quit. I wish you the best of luck with quitting I smoked almost a pack a day and the minute I found out I was pregnant I threw my pack out so it is possible! Just think about your baby!
  • To all the ladies who jumped her case...who are any of us to say that we have done everything perfect during any of our pregnancies? Did you not read the last part where she is trying to find a way to curb her addiction? There are too many judgmental people in this world. And most of you aren't even willing to help a person out, even when they ask for the help. I am not saying smoking through your pregnancy is right, I am also not saying that smoking, period, is right. But, damn, she is here looking for help. Get of yalls high horse and try and help.

    @miszgoss1986 I've heard that gum helps a ton and to stay busy to where you don't think about it. I'm not sure if you are into exercising or anything but pregnancy yoga helps me calm down and relax. I wish you the best of luck girl.
  • I wanted to remind that this forum is not a place to judge; she is simply asking for advice; please refrain from attacking & judging. Thank you.

    Mrs Del Rae, Pregly Support
  • Try to avoid ur triggered ie: those activities that ur use to having a ciggarette after or during or busy ur self during trigger time I quit finally at 27 weeks now am 31 & it gets easier the first weeks was the hardest
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  • As I am totally agreeing with sunshine25 you should quit. I know you didn't ask for judgement but in true sense of fairness you didn't ask for reassuring reasons why you should smoke. So you know why its not healthy, you know the effects to your health and now your babys. Here is some positive ways to quit...1) spend the money you save on cute baby clothes 2) you will smell better so buy some lotions new perfume (I used to smoke and didn't realize how bad it smelled till I quit) 3) prove people wrong and shake off the stares you get (weathed you see them or not people make dirty faces when they see a prego smoking). So you have some positive reasons to do it best of luck to you and your baby!!
  • @newmomntx and @MrsDelRae I love how anytime someone tries to give a person a reality check, or anytime someone disagrees it is considered judging. Did I not say that cutting back is good? Did I not encourage her to continue cutting back? Should we all just blow sunshine and roses up everyones butts and tell them it's perfectly ok to do things that can hurt themselves and their children? Tell them what they want to hear is that it? Well I'm sorry, but I'm not going to bury my head in the sand and allow people to pull the wool over their eyes. Using examples and telling the truth does not equal judgement. Last I heard it was called a debate. If you feel judged, then thats probably because the truth hurts. Wanna do something about it? Change it.
  • Thank you @kat1223 and @thirdtimesacharm for the support and realizing the truth behind my words.
  • @sunshine25 and you didn't even criticize the OP, you were talking about a comment made by a completely diff person. You didn't say anything negative to OP.
  • @sunshine25 its not what u say but sometimes how u say something... u started off sarcastic and it seemed as if u were judging... she knows smoking is wrong, u dnt have to tell her that.. she needs tips on how to quit everyone know when ur addicted to something quitting is very hard n a lot of ppl cnt up n quit in one day no matter what the circumstances r... :-)
  • @mommy_2 as @megrod88 above you said, I was not refering to the original poster. I was refering to the comment made that "it only cuts of oxygen slightly for 15 minutes" making it sound so nonchalant, like who cares...maybe when my child has an asthma attack for that 15 minutes later in life they will realize that even "slight" cutting off of oxygen is nothing to be cavalier about. I'm not saying anything negative to those who are truly putting an effort into quitting. I know it's hard. I have been tobacco free for 6 months. But justifying it is not acceptable in my opinion.
  • @sunshine25 I never said you.
  • edited May 2011
    My mother smoked the entire time with me and I had SEVERAL breathing issues. From Asthma, to bronchitis to even a trachiatomy... I lived in the Fresno Children's Hospital from 6 months to 2 months shy of my 3rd birthday.

    I'm 37 years old and still occasionally.have breathing issues. I get bronchitis and pneumonia at least twice a year.

    My mom will tell you the Dr's said the cause was 100% because she smoked.

    She saw the effects and stopped before I was 2 months old....

    Can you imagine how healthy I would of been if she stopped when she was pregnant.

    Just giving you a little to think about...

    Your body is no longer yours, it should be 100% dedicated to your baby now... and your husband should also think about 2nd hand smoke.
  • Im sorry to say this but people like you (the OP) make me mad. There is no reason why you should smoke while pregnant. and if you knew you didnt want stop smoking why in the world would you get pregnant? Simply because you dont have the strength to quit your baby is gonna have to live with health problems the rest of their lives.
  • @missprego ... I totally agree! Why gamble with the possibilities!
  • @YNVTish- Yup... this is one topic that really makes me mad..... when I found out I was pregnant I told my husband he had 2 choices... 1. Stop smoking completely or 2. Dont smoke around me and everytime you smoke you need to take a shower brush your teeth and wash your clothes. He picked the second one but after a while he got tired of doing all that so then he just quit.
  • @Missprego ... bravo! That's the way to take a stand.
  • @YNVTish- Oh yea my baby is over anything and everyone. Gladly my husband thinks the same way and he agreed. If not he would be living back in the barracks haha
  • Well to all the ladies that smoke my advice is to pray to your god. And cut back if you can and quit if you can.nobody knows really wat you are going threw and how hard it is but my advice is to pray and do wat you can.god bless and best wishes to you and the babies for those who smoke.i will keep yall in my prayers
  • Am feeling the same way you are and im pregnant with my second child now, but with my first child I didn't smoke. Yes it is so hard to stop!! The reason I turn to them is because im just so stressed out. I have tried to stop but I can't. Its like the cigarette is calling my name lol Smh even tho I know its bad. Smh
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  • @BlessedMom Aww I wish her the best of luck, nd that really makes me thing about smoking now.
  • I want to say thank you to everyone who has commented. I appreciate the harshness of somes comments...i do feel bad and think about the baby a lot. I guess i have a lot going on in my life and this pregnancy wasnt planned. I have 4 other children so this one will be my 5th. I wasnt to excited at first and still a little 27 weeks now. Still struggling with smoking. Not sure why the fact of my babies health has not made me stop smoking... i actually feel like i crave the cigarette more since im pregnant. Well all of ur advice helped me out. I do not get upset when people tell me straight up that im wrong because i know i am. TODAY I DID NOT SMOKE A CIGARETTE YET.. IM AM GOING TO TRY MY HARDEST NOT TOO. THANKS EVERYONE
  • @miszgoss
    just keep trying to cut down daily. Least you are aware of the dangers and are making an effort to quit.
  • @sunshine25 say that! I am an ex smoker and I stopped when I stopped trying to prevent pregnancy. Its selfish to continue doing something that has even small risks to it. And if you're being selfish now, before the baby is born you'll continue to be that way. I know its hard but you GOTTA think of something if not for the sake of your child do it for yourself. Complications during your pregnancy/l&d can effect your health too. Shame on anyone who encourages this behavior. We have to start taking resposibilty ladies. There is a such thing as substitution. I learned that if you can replicate the hand to mouth movements you do when smoking it makes it easier. Try sunflower seeds. Good luck.
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