I'm 21 and 27 wks today..this is our first child and my husband is active duty air force..rite now I am currently in washington dc b/c he is getn deployed but he is stationed in anchorage, ak
I am 11 weeks with our 2nd child my hubby is deployed atm and he is stationed at new river by camp lejune in north Carolina I am in IL atm while he is deployed but will be back down there the end of the year
Hey ladies im 25 wks and im 26 yrs old hubby is in the army he deploys sometime in october its our first.. he is stationed out of fort dixs nj. Anyone near by
Hi Everyone, I am Tasha, I turn 25 in a few months, I am 25 weeks pregnant with my first child. My boyfriend and I are USAF. We are in Oklahoma and PCSing to Kadena this fall.
Im 24 almost 25 pregnant with #2 Im 17w 2d and we are going to find out the sex tomorrow My husband is active duty Army and we are stationed at Ft Benning, GA.. Are their anymore wives at Ft Benning, GA..
Im 21 and I am 24wks pregnant with my second child and its a girl. Her name is adriana la'shae forrest. We are in fort lee Virginia. My husband is active army!!!! We love every bit of it....
Im 26 weeks. I live in california but my hubby is at fort lee virginia. gonna be stationed at fort campbell in kentucky beginning of august! @shaybaby23149 small world!!
I am 23 pregnant with our 4th child. Due july 12 th we are stationed at ft.benning ga. My husband has only been to the birth of our 1st daughter he missed our second daughter an our 1st son due to basic training and deployment. He is active duty in the army an we are very excited he is going to be at the birth of our second son!
Stationed at ft campbell, ky and so is my hubby.... but he's retiring from active. So moving to AZ soon. Im ARNG and get to find a NG unit at Tucson... 25 weeks
17 weeks today with our first! I am 23 and a spouse of an active duty AF staff select we are stationed at Beale AFB in Cali, but we cant wait to leave. I am originally from the Napa area so I am ready to get out of Cali and see the world. Hopefully we will be PCSing next summer using our reenlistment BOP.
My brother was at ft benning but now at ft riley. My husband is at ft hood active army I like it here but its too humid for me (im an arizona girl) lol. Anyone else here on ft hood?
I am Julie (33, YIKES) and I am 19 weeks pregnant with our 3rd. My husband was medically retired from the Marine Corps last September. During his 10 year career, he was stationed mostly at MCAS Miramar in San Diego but also spent a year and a half at MCAS Iwakuni, Japan (but we didn't get to go boohoo). We are now getting used to the civilian life in Phoenix, AZ where he is now working as a freight operations supervisor for Con-Way Freight.
I am Tasha, I turn 25 in a few months, I am 25 weeks pregnant with my first child. My boyfriend and I are USAF. We are in Oklahoma and PCSing to Kadena this fall.
My hubbys unit was talking about a june deployment but was told now no sign of deployment till 2013.
im sorry ur hubby is deploying but just stay strong