I had my first one exactly on my due date. Well let me clarify I went into labor on my due date. August 31st. I told my doctor not to come into my room until 12am aka sept.1st. Bc I didn't want an aug. Baby lol the doctor laughed and walked out. He came back in at 12:01 and said alright are we ready. I had her ar 12:30am on sept.1st.
My first was overdue by 12 days but my second arrived on her due date. The midwifes thought I was lying as she was due that day lol. She came out in no time x x
My nephew was born on his due date. He's the only one I konow personally who was. it was very exciting, tho. My sister went into labor at 4 and had him 12 hours later. He was her first, and it was pretty much text book.