Quad screen results...

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I received a letter from my clinic. It is a referral to a genetic counselor/amnioscentesis. Under reason for referral it says "24 y/o quad screen (+1) for Down syndrome." What does this mean? I'm so worried & freakin out! My appt is not for another week & a half!


  • did u hav one part and not the other
  • My doc only mentioned that the bloodwrk was to screen for Down Syndrome
  • Sorry hun i wish i could help but i didnt have one of those done. I wish you good luck though.
  • My closest guess to what that means is that one (+1) of the four hormones they test came back abnormal and is putting you at an increased risk for down syndrome, please don't take my word for it thats just my best guess. Its strange to me that they just sent you a referral and didn't call you. I would call your doctor tomorrow and ask for an explanation, the nurse may have forgotten to call. You definitely deserve more information. When my screening came back positive my ob immediately scheduled me an appointment so she could review my results with me.
  • They did call me but I missed the call. I got thru on Friday but thw receptionist said she had no idea why they called me. Told me to call back on Monday & ask for the nurse. This is before I seen the letter but right after I got a call from the genetics de pt for the appt. @ the time I jus thought the genetic counseling was a normal appt they make. But after reading that referral today I'm soo nervous. The appt is right after my very 1st ultrasound for fetal growth/anatomy. I was so excited for that but after all of this it jus put a damper on it & I'm jus so scared that I'll get bad news.
  • Relax hun :) at 24yrs old you are already low risk for d.s. your baby is most likely fine! These screenings only test your hormone levels and many things can affect those levels. 4 out of 5 positives are false positives, thats a 90% false positive rate. Take it one day at a time. My best advice is to keep a positive attitude. Its gonna be hard but these screenings are so imperfect. If you want a 100% yes or no then opt for the amniocentesis. Thats how I had to find out my baby was healthy and normal. Im here if you need someone thats been through all this to talk to :)
  • I would not stress over it...your low risk especially at 24.....I'm 28 still low risk. My hubby's 2brothers have ds. N Dr was not worried one bit n my test came back as normal as possible
  • try not to worry .. my friend just went through this.. it was unexplainable.. but her proteins were high.. so she went for a high resolution u/s so they could look for any physical markers.. there were no physical abnormalities.. there are alot of false positives .. .. i pray everything turns out ok for you..
  • @oc86 I am going for that this morning. My 2nd trimester blood work came back a 1:25 risk. i am 31yrs old. First of all, that is only 4%. But many times the blood work says one thing, but the baby is just fine. I am a little nervous, but we will love our baby no matter the results. We also decided I am not going to do the amnio. Anyways... I am sure everything will be ok and you will have a beautiful, healthy baby. Try not to stress too much. I hope it goes well. I well let you know how mine goes. Maybe that will help ease your fears :)
  • Thank u ladies! U have eased my mind a bit!
    @stillsurprised. I'm also opting not to do the amnio. Thanks & good luck to u! :-)
  • Good luck to u..the ladies eased my mind as well I'm having the test done Fri and the way the Dr explained was not to worry BC a false positive could come but its just means u need another test...Idk what that means..she tried her best to explain..been having dreams bout it everyday to me positive is positive Idk...
  • @oc86 just wanted to let you know everything went great. The only reason they said I was high risk for ds was because my numbers fit a pattern. They were actually very close to normal range. The ultra sound looked great too. Although my peanut was not sitting right so we couldn't tell the gender today :( But it is a healthy little wiggle worm :) Try not to stress, even the genetic counselor said the are many many false positives with these tests. Good luck with yours. Hope this made you feel a bit better.
  • @stillsurprised. Yay that's good to hear! Happy that everything worked out ok for u! I'm tryin to keep a positive mind for this whole nxt wk until my appts.
  • I hady quad test Friday
    How long does it take for results??
  • @oc86 I did mine, results came back 1-140 risk of my daughter having down syndrome.. I was soo worried she looked fine at the gender ultra sound I was 20 weeks when I found out the sex and 21 when I got the call from the genetics counselor.. I went an did another ultrasound for the genetices counselor and the doctor said my daughter was fine so I didn't do the amnio.. I would tell you not to worry or stress because most likely she'll be fine they just do further testing to make sure she's okay..
  • Oh and I'm 20 so age isn't always a factor.. they said I wus 1% at risk an after the genetics counsling an ultrasound they said .3% as they won't be 100% sure unless yu do the amnio.. but I wasn't risking it.. she's fine..
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  • @Sara102011. It took about 2 wks for mine.
  • Thank you!!
  • edited May 2011
    @HoopStarTurnedMother. Yea I'm prayin the u/s looks good as it'll be my very 1st one AND I find out what I'm havin. I jus don't wanna hear bad news on a day I've been lookin so forward to. My appt with the genetics counselor will be right after it. I'm hopin its nothin bad but I'm jus so nervous.
  • @sara102011 i got mines within tha next week.. and @oc86 dont stress that will only make it worst, just be hopeful, more then likely your babys fine they just go through all these extra pre-cautions.. i just told myself my daughter is fine and if she has it or it she doesnt im gonna love her regardless.. all will be fine.. i wish you all the best.. keep us updated!
  • @HoopStarTurnedMother So my u/s went good. The doc said the baby looks perfect & doesnt see anything wrong with it. She did a very thorough exam & measured everything like a million times. Doc came in & confirmed that everything looked ok. The genetic counselor explained that my results mean that my baby has a 96% chance of being born perfectly fine & 4% chance of Down Syndrome but that my u/s was very reassuring!
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