TTC?? I dont get it...



  • @praying4our3rd... my sentiments exactly! Or we are creating "annoying drama" by responding, yet the ones claiming us to be creating drama are innocent... funny, huh?
  • Haha... ladies. Take a chill pill. This is such a minute topic to argue over.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Perhaps for some women, stressing less might help things along. However telling is far far easier than doing regarding ANYTHING. I'm fairly certain that every woman who's TTC has at some point TRIED to not stress over this. Despite some females who seem to get pregnant at rhe drop of a hat, are you aware in all actuality how difficult it is to get pregnant even without any medical issues? Most Drs wont consider any *extra* help until a women has activly TRIED for at least a year. That means charting,testing etc..not just having sex for sex's sake.
  • @bumby2011... WE are CLOSED MINDED????AHAHAHA!! that's the pot calling the kettle black... this coming from the one who STARTED the CLOSED MINDED THREAD about how women shouldn't try so hard??? LMAO!
  • @OregonMama and I understand THAT urge to want to be a mother because even if you arent TTC as a woman, you get that urge PERIOD. And my opinion is that when your not trying as hard and your letting your body work on its own without the stress, it may come easier for you. Im not trying to be biased, nor judgemental. Just stating a opinion that Im entitled to.

    @praying4our3rd YOU ARE MORE THAN WELCOME TO HUN. But when your opinions are calling someone out and being plain out disrespectful, theres NO NEED FOR IT. Dont waste your time and GROW UP.
  • Hehe.. you read my mind, @praying4our3rd... lolol
  • I hope those ttc get their miracles, and those pregnant have happy healthy babies.
  • ((((hugs)))) to all ttc mommies, reading this saddens me for you all. Noone but you know the pains n struggles ttc and mc bring to your life.
  • @praying4our3rd... AHAHA! But they are too intelligent to use that app...
  • I don't usually comment on posts like this but I have to say even though I'm 18 weeks pregnant this post was hurtful even to me.
  • SSome women can have issues, some don't. that's nature. getting ur panties in a bunch to change someone else's opinion is pointless!
  • @praying4our3rd you can express your opinion all you want.. it is a forum. but she wasn't bashing or calling names or anything. You guys just instantly went off the handle. take a minute calm down and maybe ask her if she meant to be so rude. maybe she just doesn't understand how women can put up with disappointment after disappointment and cry and go through all that to not have anything happen. Maybe she is thinking that some of your problems are stressed related. Maybe if she could see where you guys are coming from and know why you guys do what you guys do there would be a light dinging on in her head that it isn't easy for some people and that medical issues are present or that some peoples cycles are not all the same or there is some other forsaken reason why you cant get pregnant, but jumping down her throat and telling her that she is completely rude and that she is an idiot or a bitch maybe ask her why she thinks that all ttc women are that way. You think everyone knows everything about trying to conceive? I sure as hell don't. I know that when a sperm meets an egg bam you get pregnant. If you were to ask me about 7 months ago what pcos was i wouldn't have had the foggiest, but because a friend of mine has it and i asked questions i found out. Not saying she needs to be in your personal business or anything but maybe she just doesn't understand... I can tell you I don't understand and yeah I prolly would have never ever posted a thread to find out this way, but maybe as i said before she has no tact and wanted information. not saying that she was right in the way she did it and not saying this is even what she wanted to know.. but maybe if it was, then you guys just made her shut down and defense and less open to the opinions of women trying to conceive and why they do it.
  • @praying4our3rd thanks and hope wednesday is good news for you :)

  • @mrs_shu exactly most dr. wont. Personally I have a good family friend of mine who went to the dr. to have her egg fertilized and needed that extra help, but she went and LOOKED for it for ACTUAL medical reasons. And i understand THOSE situations. What I dont understand and question, is that if its not happening when you want it to theres no reason to stress over it the way many of these women do. Itll happen when it happens.
  • Not always the case hun. Lots of woman never have babies, so of course ttc is emotionally draining if u keep trying month after month year after year. Ur friends n luved ones having bbys around u. Its painful.
  • @bumpy2011- I honestly don't think you said anything wrong. You were just expressing yourself, I myself had a mc and I also told myself if it happens it happens I won't stress over it. Which I understand it's easier said than done but I had faith god would blesd us when the time was right.
  • Lol she wasn't telling them to stop ttc. She simply said stressing over it is no good.
  • @bumby2011... you have yet to answer everyones question if "WHAT THE F@¢% DOES IT MATTER WHY THEY ARE TRYING SO HARD??" Really?? In what way is it harming YOU for them to take all measures to conceive?
  • oh and if she had meant to be rude then yeah you all could have bashed her with my blessing and yes that would have been uncalled for by the way, I'm not taking her side per say I am just stating my opinion that some people grew up under rocks and don't know how to ask anything but in a ride manner. I know a couple of girls who i have to take with a grain of salt because I know they are just socially dumb and don't know how to properly converse with others..

    I do wish all of you trying to conceive the best and I hope this is your year for all of you to finally get that baby (or maybe babies :) that you all deserve!
  • @kalikojenie there is more to conceiving then a sperm meeting an egg, the sperm and egg need to be healthy, they then need to start developing and eventually implant for it to class as conceiving. Just a heads up.
  • For the women trying to concieve, I can understand how the post may have been hurtful and I apologize. When i posted the discussion I honestly didnt take into consideration the mc's and losing children. I didnt mean to offend you and may god bless with beautiful happy healthy children who one day make you pround grand parents. I understand where its emotionally draining and the suffering and seeing many children around you and wanting your own.

    I had question and opinion and honestly meant no harm. Sorry for the wording.
  • edited May 2011
    Why would you voice this opinion?... If you are not trying to conceive, and were lucky enough to become pregnant, why not support these ladies instead of basically telling them to give up. (I realize you said to stop trying so hard, but it IS a FIGHT for motherhood for them.) Some women feel their biological clock is ticking. You can be curious, yet courteous. You probably have no idea how stressful it is for them. :( How would you feel if you couldn't have a baby? *KEEP UP YOUR EFFORTS WHILE YOU'RE TTC LADIES* God Bless.
  • @praying4our3rd I didn't mean to refer to you as the one that called her an idiot or a bitch, i only meant the first couple sentences for you... :( sorry. And mm banana bread sounds so good right now.. I may need to go buy some bananas to make some....

    I understand cause and effect as well and yeah she should have def expressed herself differently and she would have gotten a way better response.. maybe she will learn that if she chooses to post again.... although if she doesn't, well, then she knows what is going to happen
  • Because this is a forum and seeing soooo many different women posting countless amounts of post ttc, I questioned why try so hard. And no one at one point could give me an answer without being completely rude and off the chart. :/
  • I see your apology, please try encouragement next time, and understanding. Like praying4our3rd said though, M/C's aren't fertility problems.
  • It does, your putting stress on yourself and your body. In my opinon I feel that if you dont stress it as much and let things just happen on its own. It will come naturally and easier from my pov UNLESS there is medical reason that would hinder that. And at that point you see a dr.??
  • This post started out ignorant.and that may have not been her intentions but she has apologized and with that I think it should be left alone.i could easily see how offense was taken but no need for unnecessary drama.good luck to everyone :)
  • That's why you care? Because of the "countless posts "? Sooo next we should expect a thread about how people should go blindly into labor without knowing what contractions feel like because you are tired of the countless posts about what contractions feel like?? People post these to get personal experience feedback and perhaps pointers whether it be tricks to conceive or relaxing and timing techniques for labor... who gives a shyt if you're tired of seeing these "countless posts"
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