Raising Their Child Genderless???!

edited May 2011 in Parenting
I heard about this couple from Canada who aren't telling the gender of their baby to their friends or family...only a select few know Storms gender...they are raising him/her genderless! They also have two boys who are older that they are raising this way..they wear their hair long in braids n dress in girl clothes but get upset if people mistake them for girls! This is how they plan on raising Storm as well...okay not trying to start drama but I think this is really weird! I don't think girls only should play with dolls n boys should only play with cars or whatever and I feel they can wear what they want but I don't think if I had a son I would let him wear dresses, or grow his hair super long with bows or something, nor will I chop my daughters hair off way short...this is just my belief people can raise their children however they want but these people just seem weird to me, if the little boy hates being called a girl cut his hair & put him in some pants! Also these kids are home schooled but the parents say they are "unschooled" which means these kids are only taught things they want to learn about...ok well I know in the United States these kids wouldn't go anywhere in life after graduation, children need to learn things they don't want to learn if it was my choice I wouldn't know any sort of math, or history!

Do you agree with these people?!


  • I read this on yahoo, and I said ?!!!
    No I don't agree with this family but to each thier own. There kids will rebel on them soon enuff.
  • I read that story last night....I thought it was interesting as a social experiment, but not as a permanent way to raise the child. Also, they're a but too hippie for my taste! :D
  • I read that! Ugh! The mother is such a hypocrite, her kids stay at home but don't learnbin the typical 9-3 day but she's a teacher at a charter school!! She basically says parents are obnoxious with dressing boys as boys etc amd she lets her 2 boys pick anything out from either section(boys/girls) but how is that not obnoxious? I'm betting both boys are choosing long hair and pink clothes because it makes mommy happy. If a child is going to feel they were born the wrong sex, that will happen even if you dress them as a clown instead of just pink for girls.
  • Thats just wrong. It reminds me of Angelina and Brads daughter Shiloh and how they dress her like a boy. They say thats her choice but they started dressing her like that bfor she could even walk, how does a baby choose her own clothes?? Its ridiculous, they are trying to shape them into what they want.
  • edited May 2011
    Its sad bc more than likely these kids are gonna have an identity struggle when they get older.....
  • So her kids are now crossdressers....
    I'm sry, boys shouldn't wear bows & dresses, if u want long hair - awesome, but no dresses.... thts messed up, u should say to ur child wut sex thy are... I think thts wrong & tht ull eff ur kids head up in the long run... those kids need a real teacher in a school or a tutor who will show em everything... thryre home skooled cuz thyll be made fun of & called names!! I understand if ur kid wuz born & he always felt like a "she" thn a he, or visa versa, (on tyra bout transgender kids..) but ur forcing it on em.. let em be a real boy, or a real girl, once grown thy can make their own minds up on tht, thts wrong & sick.. sry..
  • Wow that crazy I'm just reading about this now boys should dress as boys n girls should dress as girls if they want to change there sex that up to them wats the parents going to do when they get older n they like girls o u should be with boys
  • @Mom2bIA0528 ... While I think people should let their kids be whoever that are meant to be, I think wehn you want to do a 'social experiment' you should have yourself be the LabRat, not your children.
  • I agree with mike, seems unfair to the child. How can you decide your identity if someone doesn't give you a chance to see who you are. Having a child genderless seems dumb. I mean if they decide they feel opposite of what they are then that is when you help them but why in the world would you want them be without a starting point. Its wrong to make a child an experiment, just so sad
  • I think these children aren't really choosing to dress like girls on their own...I think their parents are probably taking them shopping saying "are you sure you don't want this dress you can get the dress" or "you don't really have to cut your hair, you look so good with long hair" I just feel so sorry for these children!
  • How are they genderless if they get mad at being called a girl?? People these days have gotten way too conspiracy-theoried. Those bbys arent an experiment, theyre a living life. How are they supposed to do anything in life past their parents house? I am totally all for letting your kid be who he/she chooses to be. But situations like thos are just ridiculous. I think maybe those parents should be admitted for evaluation. Theres no way those kids arent messed up from the strange looks they get and the teasing they will endure somewhere even if theyre not in school. Its really selfish of the parents to risk their childs mental health for their own whack job agenda.
  • I think that the boy that doesnt like being called a girl at least deserves an explaination from his parents as to why people mistake his gender. I let my son play with his sisters toys, play dress up with her etc. but at the end of the day he is all boy. He likes loud noises, big trucks and jumping in mud puddles. He is only 2 and I don't think you could change the way he is no matter what. And I sure as heck know my husband would never let our son have long hair and wear dresses in public. I just don't get it!
  • Wtf how weird!!! I gotta look that up..
  • I think there will be some mental issues going on in those children's life as they get older...
  • I agree with it to a certain extent. For example my 4 year old little brother is in a princess stage right now. He has a princess dress and likes to play princess. I don't see anything wrong with it. He's still a boy he just likes the idea of being a princess. What's wrong with bows and braids if your child is comfortable with it? Now I think this family is a tad coo coo and a little too extreme. I think its completely healthy to let a child explore every side of themselves, but eventually you need to help them transition in to a healthy, productive member of society as well. To each their own, thats just my opinion.
  • don't agree
  • My son won't be in a princess stage or play with dolls or any other girly things I just can not get down with that and I'm cool with male homosexuality but I believe gender roles and I wouldn't let my daughter wear boy clothes and play with gi joe
  • I never let my daughter play with toy vacs or mops. But dad gave in bought her shopping cart and play kitchen. I just figured I didn't want her to think only moms cleaned. She luved tonka trucks tho.
  • My best friend just told me about this story yesterday. She's pregnant also, about a month behind me. Oh man, we talked about this for about an hour or two! I honestly don't believe in what these people are doing, I think children are given a gender for a reason and they need to be raised as either a boy or a girl. Parents like that confuse their children into not knowing their own sex and sexual preference. I just don't understand why a parent would willingly confuse their child Like that.
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  • edited May 2011
    @rockinmomma ... I commend your family for allowing your brother to play princess. Little girls are allowed to express what we used to view as "masculine" behaviours (play sports, wear pants, play with cars, anything.. as they SHOULD be able to) BUT when a boy expresses any interest in anything that is usually seen as feminine, they are ostracized. This is why insecure little boys grow up to be bullies. When I hear a parent say that a girl can only play with dolls and a boy only with trucks, it makes me so sad. Those children are the ones who grow up with low self esteem and identity issues because they are told that liking the things they like is wrong.

    I don't agree with the family in the story by any means... in my opinion they go WAY too far (forcing things on their kids).
  • @mikeandronadopt thanks :) I think its way more detrimental to a child to repress those curiosities. Just because he's running around in a princess dress at 4 does not mean he's going to end up a drag queen, thats absolutely ridiculous thinking. He's going to end up a boy no matter what games he plays or clothes he wears.
  • Hmmm... im just wondering how to raise a transgender child? I mean technically its a girl righ? Just with an enlarge clitoris... what do u do? If u have it removed they wont be able to get off sexually when there older. I know off topic but now im wondering
  • Are the boys choosing to wear their hair long? Or are the parents dressing them that way? To me that sounds like theyre not raising them "genderless" theyre raising them as girls and confusing not only the kids but everyone else around them! It's like a mean trick!
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