33 weeks and no ultrasounds since my 20th week? its not necessary??

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I haven't had an ultrasound since my 20th week. The doc says I don't need another one unless there is a complication. I thought an ultrasound was needed to confirm there are no complications and confirm babys size. I am 33 weeks ..3 days shy of 34 weeks and I have not received a recent US. Anyone else?


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  • My doctor, nurse, mom, and friends have all said I don't get another one. I'm 25 weeks. I just had my 20 week one two weeks ago
  • My last one was at 19w and I don't get another one unless something is wrong
  • I remember with my first I had one towards the end. They measured her head and body, counted her fingers and toes and also checked my fluid. That was in ny.. now I live in va and I can't believe how different they do things over here! But I guess it is standard then !
  • One of my fb friends told me I could go to the er and say I slipped and get one. Granted I'm 100% covered I won't. I can wait to find out babies sex.
  • I've only had two..first was to confirm pregnancy I was abt 14 weeks and the other was around 22 weeks to found out what I was havin and I haven't had one since then and my doc said the same thing unless I'm measuring to big or to small I don't need another one..I also thought the same thing abt complications, flud, etc...
  • my doctor said the same thing that i dont need another one but i kinda want to see if everythings going on okay in there
  • I think that depends on your doctor.I get my last one at 32w to measure the growth.
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  • I had a 3-d one @ 17 weeks and won't get anymore unless its deemed medically necessary as I'm a low risk pregnancy
  • My doctor only gives 2 unless there is a complication. The first to confirm pregnancy and development, then a second at 20 weeks to confirm development and gender.
  • I had 2 with my son one at 8weeks the other at 20 n two with my daughter 1 at 20weeks the other 28weeks cuz they were unsure of the gender
  • I think it just depends on the dr... at my office all they do is the 20 week anatomy u/s. I had a friend who went to another office & got frequent u/s, but had to deliver in another town.
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  • The two doctors I've been with have only given one u/s at 20wks unless there are complications or something else that makes it medically necessary. With my second I had one at 7 weeks because I was bleeding, and with this one I had one at 11 weeks because they couldn't find the heartbeat, the normal one at 20 weeks, and another at 24 weeks because I got sick during the 20 week and they couldn't get all the measurements they needed. But in my experience, one u/s is standard. I think it depends on your doctor. Some of my friends have had earlier ones because they weren't sure about when they conceived, and another friend has had multiple ultrasounds because she went through IVF and lost a twin early on.
  • I thought you always got one at the end I just had one yesterday at 36 weeks to measure how big the baby is..btw I'm in wa.
  • i had to gettm every other day after i went overdue. lol.. so its not neccasary
  • In the uk it's standard practice to have 2 scans,
    The first is the dating scan at 12weeks and they check that your baby isn't at risk for downs syndrome.
    The second is the anomaly scan, to check growth and development.
    Any others you want you have to go to a private clinic to have done. Unless you are at risk. However our health care is free so I can't complain :)
  • U got one at 9 weeks then one at 22 weeks and that's all.
  • I had one at 8 weeks (confirming pregnancy) and another at 18 weeks (confirming gender). Like many if you, I don't get another one unless complications arise. And there's not a high chance of that. I'm not used to this because when I lived in GA, I had at LEAST 5 u/s with my first 2 babies. But oh well, I just try to keep in mind that I'll see his face in person soon. I'm 32w4d.
  • I get them every other appt i see the midwife and she just measures them 2 weeks later i see the doc and he does one just to see the heart beat. I have the same doc as with my daughter and it wasn't like this before so he must of changed his policy
  • The recommendations for health care are changing all the time so that may be why more ultrasounds where performed in the past. Also, different state medical associations may have different recommendations. Lastly, each doctor has to base their practice on their own medical judgement.

    My OB/GYN has the same practice as most of those stated above--one US at 10-11 wks to determine viability & gestational age, one US around 20 wks to check the anatomy. I know that my insurance only covers 3 routine US's in a pregnancy. Any more, and I have to pay out of pocket, unless they are medically necessary.
  • I've had 4 so far, but two of them was because I was bleeding. But I'm suppose to have one at 28 weeks too. I'm only 26 weeks so far.
  • I've come to realize that we don't get many u/s but it makes me kind of sad. I've had 3 and I wish I could have one at least once a month. I love knowing how my baby is doing, I love seeing how he's changing. I think it's just so amazing, alas, I haven't had an u/s since 20 weeks and I'm about to be 29 weeks. My doctor says I'm due for another but he seemed ambivalent, so who knows. I sometimes wish we were see-through. :P
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  • I totally agree with you @mlizzy194, I got one at 12 weeks and 18 weeks, and I want another one I'm 32 weeks. I just want to know everything is ok, how do they know if they don't check? Lol
  • I dunno why but everybody on here has two but ive had one at 12weeks and have one at 20 weeks , one at 28weeks , one at 32weeks, one at 36weeks why is this im not high risk?
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  • @mummytuube
    It doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong. It may just be that your doctor wants to cover his butt. And some doc's will give lots of US's just because of pressure from their patients.
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