[edit]3rd Trimester and a Toddler Terrorist
I am a stay at home mom with 2 and a half year old and is about 29 weeks pregnant. My once sweet little angel has morphed into the opposite in what seems like just a day and I don't know what to do. She's become bad to the bone.
It started last week. She was disobedient, hit me every chance she got, tortured our cat and her babies, got out of bed every morning to get into stuff I didn't even know I had, and just being an over all nuisance. I've been so stressed out becauseof this current high risk pregnancy and over the past week including this morning had 3 panic attacks.
I have no family around me, my friends are all young and irresponsible and to ask my mother to watch her for even an hour is taboo. Does any of the more experienced older preglys out there have any advice on how to handle my new found terrorist? I can't physically or emotionally handle her anymore.
It started last week. She was disobedient, hit me every chance she got, tortured our cat and her babies, got out of bed every morning to get into stuff I didn't even know I had, and just being an over all nuisance. I've been so stressed out becauseof this current high risk pregnancy and over the past week including this morning had 3 panic attacks.
I have no family around me, my friends are all young and irresponsible and to ask my mother to watch her for even an hour is taboo. Does any of the more experienced older preglys out there have any advice on how to handle my new found terrorist? I can't physically or emotionally handle her anymore.
@beaded_bunny I'm not to sure if my little one understands that I'm having a baby. She does talk to my belly and give it kisses but I have seen her trying to do it to my friend who isn't pregnant. I am left to wonder if she really understands.
@camommy I feel like she is going over board with it. She tested her boundaries before but this lately is ridiculous. We get her stuff and do all kinds of stuff to keep her interested and involved but all she seems to want to do is terrorize the kittens and sneak out of bed to get.into everything. Every time I tell her no, she goes behind my back and does it out of anger and worse than if I let her do whatever it was to begin with.
However, my fears are getting worse. My kitchen door way is like 4 doorways put together and a baby or dog gate won't fit. We took a nap yesterday. She woke up, got into and wasted 30 dollars in make up and then went to the kitchen and found a large cutting knife. She sliced her little finger open. It's not bad enough to get stitches but it's not shallow either.
She knows she's not allowed in the kitchen and in mommy's make up but when I was asleep she felt like she could. She could have been seriously hurt and this bad behavior is highly unacceptable. I don't know what to do. Despite all the time outs and discipline she is just getting worse...