To the outspoken Target cashier:

edited July 2011 in Just for Fun
It's probably not the best idea to tell a pregnant woman "you look like you're about to pop" or "I never got that big with mine". Especially when I'm not due until OCTOBER! You would be much safer keeping your thoughts to yourself. God forbid, the pregnancy hormones (and claws) come out. C'mon lady, I'm not even that big! LOL!


  • Ohhhhh boy!
  • Lol! People need to stop n think sometimes!
  • They think is cute to say stuff like that whitout thinking
  • edited July 2011
    What is with Target employees? They always say random shit... The worst was when I bought my dog these funny pajamas at christmastime and the lady said to me, "glad to know you can buy your dog pajamas, I can't even afford stuff for my grandkids"
  • Ahaha! I have ppl telling me "wow, you could go into labor at any time... you've already dropped! " ... ummm, yeah, my dd is HALLOWEEN!!!
  • edited July 2011
    Should have punched that biyatch in the throat. X(
  • Seriously!? I hate when people say that crap! Its like they feel like they have to say something to pregnant women.. and if its that necessary, a simple "you look so cute" would work just fine! Jeez!
  • haha @everyone really, I don't feel big at all. I am and always have been a small human being...5'8" and 115lbs so yes, my belly does stick way out, there's nowhere else for it to go! I was so flustered after her comment that I tried to gracefully move from the front of my cart to behind (something that I can normally do with no problems) but I got stuck in between my cart and the aisle! Guess my belly really is getting big! I have no dignity...left it all behind in the target checkout line.
  • I probably should have picked up some candy bars while I was wedged in there! :)
  • Why cant people just be nice. Don't they know pregnant woman e crazy anyways.
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