25 wks & 2 days and he's here
Went to the hospital for that severe back pain and it turned out to be contractions.. at 12 midnight my water broke and by the time they checked me at the hosp I was 3cm dialated. So needless to say he's here via emergency c-section. He was 1 lb 10 ounces and 13 1/2 inches long. He's already breathing on his own. And all his vital signs look great thus far! But please pray it stays that way preglies, I need your love.
@mommyof3girls we named him Zavion Anthony.
@blueberrysmom thank you so much, we did a lot of praying! & yes he's adorable and tiny as ever though. They'll have to keep him until he's at least 5 lbs. & we named him Zavion Anthony.!