colorado circumcision

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
Medicaid is no longer covering it! I'm so pissed now while in the hospital we have to pay 250 to have it done! Ne other states pass this? I wouldn't of even known if I didn't bring it up w the doc that's Wat pisses me off the most!!


  • North Carolina doesn't cover it either but it only cost 180
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  • florida doesnt cover it and they havent in years... so it has to be paid out of pocket for it as well here.
  • Washington state or az neither ever covered it...cost was 200-400....
  • Medicaid say its not longer a benefit for a baby so They don't pay for mutilation ! Wtf first the do and now they don't uh
  • I'm here in California. San Francisco was trying to ban it all together. People should have the right to decide, it didn't even make it to the ballots.
    I personnaly am not circumcising my son, but, that's my decision...
  • We have good insurance and it still cost us about 200$out if pocket.
  • its concidered cosmetic
  • I thought it was better for boys health wise.
  • i would not have chosen to circumcise if i was having a boy but i think that it should be your choice and i thing that medicaid should cover it i can see it being considered cosmetic but i know that alot of ppl consider it necissary and unsanitary not to have the baby circumcised and if you do have to pay for it out of pocket it shouldnt be more then 25 bucks i think 50 tops
  • they dont do it in cali either.. wich is fine with me cause i dont believe in it.. good luck.. they act like we can all just pull 3oo$ out of our ass..
  • I'm in colorado and my hospital will only charge 200 at the most for a circumcision.
  • It's not covered here in Oregon either, the hospital in my town doesn't even offer it anymore because less and less babies are having it done. Which is okay, I have 2 intact boys anyway, I don't believe in it.
  • @Ladyd..180?! Where do you live?
  • Its 250 in Mississippi also! Had to get my son circumcised 2 yrs ago! Ugh, I'm having another boy in October, doing it all over again
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  • I'm in idaho and when I had my son I ended up having to post for it twice. Once to pay the doctor which was 250 and then I got a bill from the hospital a month later and when I told them I already payed the doctor they said this bill was separate for using the hospitals equipment to do it. lame! All I can say is that I hope my son appreciates his 500 dollar weiner when hes older. If I could do it again, id wait and get it done in the doctors office instead of the hospital.
  • I live in Wilmington north Carolina
  • Oh wow. Its 320 here in Fayetteville @ladyd
  • @britbee11 Here in Florida they don't cover it either. I just had my son 5 weeks ago and his pediatrician did it in her office for $200 and she did an amazing job, it healed up beautifully. It was worth the money.
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