Working while pregnant

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
OMG. I couldn't work while pregnant. I get tired enough just doing little.things around the house. People at work would.catch me sleep or laying down all the time. I would so get so kudos to those that work while.pregnant especially all the way to the end. How do you do it? And (applause)...... I understand if your single then what other choice but I mean in a relationship and still working.


  • Haha thank you very much! I couldn't do it if my husband wasn't such a big help at home. Right now I make more money so he does everything and I mean everything around the house including chasing our 3 yo around. Not to mentiion even though my job is hard and physical my co workers are a big help!
  • I'm still working...hopefully... I've been basically bedridden since Friday with contractions. I don't make much money but my company is awesome and understanding.
  • That's great you have support :&
  • @valentinasmommy you do what you gotta do. Are you going to be a sahm or will you return to work?
  • I'm 32 weeks and still working. My bf won't let me take any time off...he says I need to go back to work in like 2 weeks after having the baby :( Ugh, he makes enough money to support us for at least a month or two.
    It is getting hard at work because I do a lot of filing (our filing cabinets are taller than I am) and its hard to bend down and climb up on a stool lol Plus the file room is always hot!
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  • @socalMOMMA2boys I'm going to stay at home for a.couple of.months after she's born and then ill start working.

    @loveourlittleone Aw I'm sorry. Why does he want you to go back so soon?
  • OMG. Do u have to lift stuff and bend over? @Reneerose0828
  • I work full time and am planning to do so till the end! :( But I have an office job so I'm sitting most of the day, except when I have to walk to the printer/fax machine which I groan about lol...and its only like 3ft away. But I get more tired doing house work, like yesterday I swept and mopped and my back was killing me after!
  • @ExcitedForOctober now maybe I can do a sit down

    @Reneerose0828 I have a hard time bending down. But kudos to you :)
  • edited August 2011
    im a waitress! Carrying heavy trays all day long! Im soo tired of working but im doing what I gotta do tho.
  • On your feet all day? I will give you applause :) @Mimii36
  • My last day of work was on 08/11 one month before my due date...I was doing overtime everyday and I couldn't wait to be on maternity leave now that I am...I'm so bored. I wished I stayed 2 more weeks but my job wasnt pregnant lady friendly.they were overworking me so sucks for them to not have me around
  • Wow. That's not cool. I guess it didn't matter to them @Patiently_Waiting but is rather be bored then hot,tired,and
  • It's hard. I'm 33 + 2, I work 3 shifts a week, 12 hours as a nurse. I literally come home and pass out! And I have a 1 year old. But hubby works too, I just make more than him, we both have to work. Do what ya gotta do!
  • Earlier in my pregnancy before I started feeling blah! I wanted to work but bf wouldn't let me. Ha. I thank him for that @ashleyz
  • edited August 2011
    I can't wait to go on maternity leave, I have almost a month before I can though (have to wait till 4 wks b4 dd which is Oct 15). Right now though, I am out of leave and about once a week I am calling out because carpal tunnel so bad I can't drive bc I can't feel arms for most of day and am only sleeping maybe an hour or two a night (no naps due to length of work day!). Gonna be a long month! 12 hour days don't help... But saving up for maternity leave is keeping me going as much as possible lol! My hubby works, but our mortgage just went up $400 a month so I'm trying to help us as much as possible. I can't wait to be bored lol!
  • I worked last time, 40 hour weeks on my feet. I remember being tired and my back and hips hurting at the end. This time, I work 2 three hour shifts a week and I think I'm going to die by the end of it! It do not know how I did it last time. I think working last time kept me in better shape and less tired though. If I had a more reliable baby sitter, I'd definitely work more.
  • I got to work til two weeks before due date, we couldn't pay our bills without both our wages. It sucks i am totally exhausted but lookin forward to goin on leave! :)
  • :) that's great. I bet you guys will enjoy every bit of that leave
  • edited August 2011
    So u didn't work ur whole pregnancy??!! I work cuz I get bored!!! Couldn't just sit around all the time! Ugh.
  • I didn't. It was fine by me. If I get bored I take walks. And then I be ready to come back in the house because 1. I'm tired and 2. It's too hot @nicoleok87
  • I stopped wrkin in my 4th month becus I tore my rotator cuff but im a RN n I make more money than bf but my job is easy so I could hve wrked till almost time if it wasn't for injury! But im happy to not be wrkin right now! But I hve never wrked past 5 months preggo n this is 4th!
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  • Last tuesday was my last day of work. I would've worked up until my csection next monday but I went for my appointment last wednesday and was sent to l&d for monitoring and have been having contractions ever since. Hopefully I make it til next monday.
  • Thanks I just dislike my hours tho
    Wish I was home but we have to do wat we have to do. I get tried a lot but I'll be working until she comes n I need to be back the week before Christmas due to my coworker goin away so I will be back in two weeks not a happy camper
  • Im almost 38 weeks and stull working 40 hours a week. Unforunately, I don't have the option to stop working because im on a contract. My doctor wrote me a note for no work after my due date, but I know he'll come sooner! Im so jealous of those of you that can stay at home! Embrace it ladies! I would have quit at 20 weeks if I could have!
  • I'm due Oct 15 working full time until Oct 14. My job is very understanding though.
  • Yes maam! & we have to stay busy all the time. We have to find something to do all the times. So unfortunately im on my feet my all day.
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