This is a really messed up world

Weight gain is important for pregnant moms. Its important to grow healthy babies and have the nutrients needed to breastfeed afterwards.
Im disgusted with myself. I hate feeling so fat and unattractive. Yet I can't seem to convince myself otherwise.


  • 100% agree. I feel like a whale :/ but I don't dwell on it, I just notice when I look at pictures (that's why I only have a few, lol).
  • I'm almost 29 weeks and have already gained 20-25 lbs...I'm happy!! For once I have a booty. LOL!!!
  • Thank you! You are so right! I feel the same way. I wish I was more comfortable with my pregnant body.
    * bump!
  • I agree! It sickens me the way self image os anymore. My daughter is 9 and already so concerned about her eight n stuff. My husband says he wit be attracted to me if I gain any weight after I have this baby. Makes me worry get depressed and eat more junk food!
  • @caroline8_p Exactly! Thats why I hate taking pictures now X_X
  • Tell me about it! I went from 135 to 193 .... Not happy.... But I don't look like I'm packing that much weight around! Still I will be a very sad mama if this weight doesn't come off quick stay
  • Because some people on here say things like, "I'm 38 weeks pregnant and have gained 8 pounds! Is that bad?" Really? Stop looking for attention.
  • @shanIam I know!!!!!!!!!
  • Awh, honeyy! I completely agree with this post! Personally, I have gained what seems like a TON of weight, but i don't take it toooo hard because I know my baby needs it. But i feel so bad for the moms who develop self esteem issues because of their weight gain during pregnancy. It is one of the most beautiful and natural things a woman will ever go through,and it is so sad when mothers are so worried about their weight gain that they can't even enjoy their baby kicking their insides... Society Sucks!!
  • @shaniam exactly! Thank you for saying that!! Its like hello,its healthy to gain weight, you are creating a human!! Those girls make me want to shake them! And im not hating, im almost 37 weeks And have gained 31 pounds..right on track :)
  • @ShanIam that's like the 'my vagina is too tight to have a baby!!' Lmao.
  • @nicoleok87 someone seriously said that??
  • I hate how i look. I got really depressed after i weighted to much to join the coast guard and went from 175 to 185 and b4 i got pregnant i was 195 ill be 14 week's tomorrow and im 200 and i cant stand it so since february i've gained 25 lbs i've told my husband im loosing baby weight+50lbs i want to be comfortable in mybody and cloths.
  • Im scared to gain weight. I just lost 70 pounds before I got pregnant.. im weighing 111 right now. I have put on 4 pounds and it makes me feel disgusting. I don't want to sound like a brat.. I have always been self conscious about my weight.. even when I had the 70 pounds on me I looked great to everyone else. I never look good enough for myself.. I wish I could see what everyone else sees.
  • @kara_lamek I'm sure uooked a lot differnt with 70 pounds on ya....anyone would...that a whole nothr person__
  • @sands3 yes!!! There was a whole post about how guys have always told her how 'tight' she is and how some women r naturally 'tighter' than others Nd she's terrified of tearing blah blah blah...I'm like...did u know this is a forum for preggo women??? Like she wanted us all to say...'wow, wish I was tight like u....' Crazy....
  • edited August 2011
    Im one of those 'not gaining weight' pregnant ones but not by choice. I have extreme morning (all day, everyday) sickness and just havent gained anything... BUT I do consult my doc on my weight gain or loss every appt and with my little mans growth they are not concerned at all. I was consitered overweight to begin with (at 145 lbs and I am now 140 at 33+4) so they said that its my body fat being lost/used not his being jeprodized...
  • I've always had body image issues. I'm 5'6" and I weighed 180 when I got pregnant. That was a pretty normal weight for me. I'm kind of muscular and I've got a big booty. My parents told me I was fat and tried to get me on diets all the time. Whenever people bought me clothes they were 2 or 3 sizes too big because they thought that's how big I was. The ob I'm seeing now is the first doctor I've ever had who told me my weight is normal for my body type. I almost kissed her! All my previous doctors went by that retarded BMI chart which said I was almost obese. I got severely depressed after gaining a bunch of weight while pregnant. My husband and I were hardly ever having sex because he started a new job where he worked really hard and he was just tired. I was convinced he wasn't attracted to me because I had gained so much weight. After I had a nervous breakdown about it and got to 8 months, I started liking the way I looked again. I'm happy with my baby bump and stretch marks now.
  • @shaniam Why is that looking for attention if it's true? Lots of posts ask about weight. Some gain and some do not. Just the way it is. I'm bigger (195) but I've lost. It's likely because I was already overweight and I stopped drinking. So should I not answer the weight posts so others feel better!? Is it only okay to post if you've gained? That's absurd.
  • 27 weeks here gained about 25 pounds lots of time I don't feel good about myself or that hubby isn't attracted to me anymore I come from an over judgemental mother so I have always been selfconcious person but I know its for the good of my daughter
  • Hey everyone has their own opinion.
  • @kara_lamek Congrats!! how Did u do it
  • Careful ladies, I realize weight is a very touchy subject. I was just trying to explain my own frustrations with my self image and how I know weight gain is a good thing but I have trouble accepting that. There are many other women out there with the same difficulties whether it is 8 lbs or 50. Let's encourage each other, not put people down.
  • edited August 2011
    I couldnt agree more with this post. Im so obsessed with the amount of weight ive gained that I count calories, walk 2.5 miles 5-6 days a week and weight train 3 days a week.

    I had a melt down yesterday morning because even with all my hard work ive gained 12lbs(22wks).

    I feel like this huge fat cow! Ive always had body issues. Im 5'10" and when I got pregnant this time around I was 188. My 1st pregnancy I was 178 when I got pregnant and only 8lbs from my goal weight, I was doing triatholons and finally feeling a little better about myself. That has since all gone out the window & I hate it..

    Bt I gotta say the thing I hate most is stressing about it so much! :( it does make me happy to know im not alone in feeling this way!
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  • completely agree! my mom is anorexic/ bulemic (w laxatives) and to this day i hate myself. she constantly told me as a kid and a teen that i needed to lose more weight. it wasn't fair. i was a freakin gymnast- it's not like we could gain much anyway. so when i got pregnant with our first at 18 I Was about 130 lbs and 5'6". I felt like a cow THEN...i gained 49 lbs but lost it all within 2 wks (except for 5 lbs). I was finally accepting my body then i got pregnant again- gained 51 lbs! when my youngest was about 3 i started to gain weight and instead of weighing in around 145 lbs i weighed in at 197 lbs before i got pregnant this time. self image is a huge issue with me. i don't think i will ever be happy with my body, but i seriously have to lose some serious weight when i am done with this pregnancy. i am up to 234 lbs (i weigh almost as much as my husband!! :O ) i went through years and years of counseling but i think i am at a better place, mentally, now than i was when i was 140s.
  • edited August 2011
  • edited August 2011
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