How old was your baby when..

edited August 2011 in Pregnant
You started feeding them rice cereal? My son is 3 weeks and since hes been 1 1/2 weeks I've been putting about a teaspoon in his nightly bottle but wondering how old they should be when it can be thickened up a bit into more of a cereal..


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  • My mom always says when formula or breast milk isn't keeping then full. We all started at a month n im still alive n have 2 sisters n a brother :p I think the doctors recommendations arnt always for everyone
  • edited August 2011
    My son was 3 months old. I wouldn't do it before just because of digestion.

    Every baby is different though. If your baby stays hungry its an option and you not adding that much. If you don't mind me asking why have you started it so early?
  • edited August 2011
    Early introduction of solid foods has been linked to food allergies in later life which pedi's recommended holding off till baby is 4-6months old
    We didnt do solids till 6m
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  • My Dr sed I culd wen my daughter was 4 wks an I jus waited till her belly got use to it before I Startd to thickin it up
  • Why would u give it so early? Just cause he's not sleeping thru the night? Why risk babies health over getting up a couple extra times to feed? They need to eat that often for a reason...they are growing at the fastest rate they ever will...doctors say to wait on solids for a reason...1 1/2 weeks is way too early...smh...I strongly sugest u do some research or talk to ur pediatrician...
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  • much to many people's dismay it's not having a full belly what gets babies to sleep through the night. smh. it's a very common misconception.
    my daughter was 6 months old and my son was 5 months old. it's all about the swallowing mechanisms and digestive tracts why they shouldn't get it before
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  • I didn't start until he was six weeks old. Even then, I didn't put a lot at all. And i held him upright.
  • I didn't introduce anything till 3.5 months. There are lots of reasons why baby should not be having more than formula before then and I only started that early because he was so active milk wasn't satisfying him anymore
  • I didn't give my daughter cereal untill 4-4.5 months. I never put it in a bottle.
  • A baby shouldn't get rice cereal at that age unless pediatrician recommends it for medical reasons. My daughter is now 2 1/2 months and has been getting rice cereal since she was 3 weeks. Reason being is because she gas GERDS sumen worst than normal acid reflux and she can't keep just the milk down so her pediatrician recommend me to give her rice cereal.
  • I didnt think my son was getting enough to eat or enough to keep him ful.. he hasn't been gassy and his poop hasn't changed one bit since hes been on the cereal. I don't give him a lot in his bottle, maybe a half a teaspoon.. it doesn't thicken it up any.. I don't see the big deal, especially since it hasn't bothered his tummy one bit..
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  • Just the amount of times he is eating and how often he is eating.. That why I don't think hes eating or getting enough. I fed my first son rice cereal in his bottle around two weeks as well and never once had a problem with him eating it, digesting it or choking on it. I feel that all babies are different and I do agree that not all babys bellies can handle it but as long as its not hurting him and he can handle it, which he is than I will continue to give it to him.

    I only started this topic because I was interested in knowing when other moms were starting the rice cereal with their little ones.

    I've gotten advice from numerous other people and 90% plus percent of them told me to put a lil in his nightly bottle.
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  • edited August 2011
    I had to with both of my girls starting around 4 weeks but its ONLY because it was pediatrician reccomended because of their GERD. They both also had to be put on special formula for it. My first is now 19 months and second 2 1/2 months, i wouldnt do it, but its the only thing that helps/helped them at times.You should always consult a pediatrician for it.
  • He would eat 4 to 5 ozs every hour and a half.. And that was around the clock.. Since I started him with a bit of the cereal he has been eating 5 to 6 ozs every 3 hours..
  • Its too early they say 4 months but I definitely wouldn't do it before 3 1/2
  • Idk. To me everyone is different like I said on mu other post were all ok and also non of us have food allergies. Everything gets "linked" to something. Like for instance y did my husband get cancer at a young age when he always lived a healthy lifestyle nnever smoked? But others abuse there bodies n nevvr get sick? Doesn't make much sense. I think some studies r just plan wrong.
  • Once upon a time cigarettes were for fashion, coca cola was a tasty symbol and so on and so on. My point is that medical professionals and their advice aren't always perfect and studies constantly change. Not saying there's no truth to waiting months, however if you feel comfortable don't let people trample you into believing you're doin something horrid. Hopefully your feeding works out and nothing negative arises from it.
  • I started my twins at 6 weeks and they're just fine. They're not allergic to anything at all and they eat whatever we feed them. My great grandma, grandma, and mom all did at around that age so were talking at least 18 babies now that it didn't harm. As far as making it to eat I waited til like 4 months because that's when they learned to eat it and started opening their mouth for a spoon.
  • ive never done the cerial in the bottle.. actually but i wait till three months with formula fed.. and five months with bf..
  • Well as I said I was only asking about adding rice cereal because I was curious as to when everyone else was adding it. Yes I could ask my childs doctor before I had done it, however he doesnt know my child in the middle of the night, in the morning or during the day, he doesn't know any part of his personality, I'm his mom and know every thing about him and will continue to do what I've been doing.

    As for not putting cereal in a bottle.. They sell specially designed bottles that are made for cereal to be put in them. There is sort of a plunger kind of thing that pushes towards the nipple as the baby sucks and eats more. Yes it is a bottle and yes I will be using it.
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